Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Silvina (revisi I)

“Be Happy Being a Corruptor”
Silvina Nugrahwati
Corruption is trend from year to year. It was begun from corruption alleged case Soeharto at seven foundations, until cases of Arthalita or Ayin and Gayus Tambunan recently. The word “scared” seems not to make aware all of the corruptor. They still can move free and earn a lot of money though they committed corruption. Likely, it is not difficult to be a corruptor if we are quite dare and twist our brain smartly. A lot of profit can be gotten easily if the corruptor is smart.
First, is getting money as much as possible without being found out. In SPDP (the mandate to begin investigation), suspected Gayus alleged to do money laundering, corruption, doing an injustice and fraud. According to researcher prosecutor, Gayus was a civil servant in directorate and tax director general equal. It was rather impossible if he had 25 milliards rupiah in Panin Bank, Jakarta and luxurious house in the amount 1.5 milliards rupiah. How could he do it for a long time easily? Of course, he was smart enough.
Second, is covering what done without being found out. As reported previously, Gayus Tambunan admitted to give 5 milliards rupiah to Prosecutor Cirus Sinaga through the lawyer Haposan Hutagalung. Then, when the police had been handled mafia tax, Gayus Tambunan, they blocked the property bill for about 28 milliards rupiah. They said that money was gift from the companies that the tax was inspected by Gayus. But then, the block could be opened again so that Gayus could return to use the money. The opening of that block was done when Raja was a director economy police II. After opening that block, Gayus extradited 2 million US$ to the lawyer; Haposan Hutagalung, investigator, prosecutor, judge, and lawyer team.
Third, minimize imprisonment. Because of bribing, Gayus only got 7 years in prison. It is probably less then 7 years because in Indonesia, corruptor can get much more remission then the other criminal. Not only it, can they still go to stroll out of country and all of the cost is paid free.
Forth, still being rich and glad alive although at prison. Not only Gayus Tambunan that could go aboard though imprisonment, but also Arthalita Suryani or Ayyin that could enjoy all of the luxurious facilities like five stars hotel. If we speak about law enforcer means to speak also about law itself. In law science knows basis “equality before the law”, where all people have positions equal before the law. If we compare it with prison, means that in prison all people also have the equality before the law - mean equal to - has positions same in custody. This matter is related tight with norm and sense of justice in law. Therefore may be sense of justice has died to this end; at luxurious prison of Artalitha.
The last, is still possible being official after free from prison. In the other case is Nurdin Halid. In 13 Augusts 2007, he returned to punished two year in prison because of committing corruption in frying oil supplying. Based on standard statute of International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), a criminal executant may not hold a position as head leader a national football association. Because of that reason, Nurdin pushed to step back from various side; jusuf kalla (vice president of Indonesia at that time), the chairman of Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), and even FIFA depressed Nurdin to retreat. FIFA even threatened to drop sanction to Association of Indonesian Football (PSSI) otherwise conducted head leader re-election. But Nurdin insistent doesn't step back from the function as chairman of PSSI. So that doesn't break PSSI statute, the statute hits previous head leader sounds" must never involved in criminal case" (English: “they . . . , must has been previously found guilty of a criminal offense musical note. . . . " ) changed it with abolish word "ever" (English: "has been previously”) so that its mean being “. . . must musical note found guilty of a criminal offense. . . " ). After the arrest time had finished, Nurdin returned to hold a position as chairman of PSSI.
If the corruptor were not smart enough, the story would be different. It could be hard to corrupt easily and happily. So, exploit our cleverness to removes corruption and build Indonesia better. Because though making the corruptor happy but hurting the people so.

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