Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Book Review_Santi Ramdhani

Book Review
Teknik dan Panduan Membaca Text-books 2:
Extensive Reading Top-down Reading

Book Identity
Tittle               : Teknik dan Panduan Membaca Text-books 2:
Extensive Reading Top-down Reading
Author            : Otong Setiawan Djuharie
Publisher        : Yrama Widya
Year                : 2008
Pages               : 336

This book is the continuation series of Teknik dan Panduan Membaca Text-books 1: Intensive Reading, Bottom-Up Reading. And it exists to make the reader more proficient in reading, especially in comprehensive understanding of the text. It is intended for students as lecture material and equipped with the strategies, tips, tricks that are used to reveal the meaning and the information from text. This book also comes with studies of beyond the texts as revealing the reasons why the text written, systematic of the text, imagery text, text direction, the formation of opinion, thought the author in the text, sequential organizing idea, and all things related to the reading process. And those are the purpose of reading this book.

Started with some theories then tried with some exercises in every unit, this book contains of sixteen units. In the first unit explains about main idea. Searching the key ideas of the text then followed by the exercise which will improve reading skills of the readers. Then continued with reveal the information in the second units where explained about how the ways to get an information. Third of units is increasing reading speed so that reading activity becomes efficient. After it we can evaluate our idea through the fact, theories, and techniques. For the fifth units we will go to learn how to generalizing the text. After that, we can learn how to gain the information with signs, or symbols, or facts. The next is making summarizing of the text. We can make the text briefly read. Underlining is also the eigth unit from this book, which can realize unit seven with underlining the main idea. Ninth unit is taking the notes and the ten units are about outlining. So in this unit, you have to find the principal idea in the text.  Then in the eleven units, drawing conclusions and predicting outcomes. It’s the process to interpret what we have read then try to draw the conclusion. Moreover in twelve units we step to understand figurative language which is usual to describe the situation. And the next understands connotation to ask the reader feel what the author feel from words in the text. I think it is important to make our interpretation to the text in line with what the author intended. Also adding with the understanding shades of meaning, but we have to know about semantic mapping first. It will make us can to analyze contextual side of the text itself. And for the fifteen and sixteen are the exercise units. These units become the last things to measure how much our understanding to these units that we have learned. And from those we will know the scores for our result in reading.

The completeness of the materials presented of this book. It has simple language and easy to understand. In addition, we also trained to answer the question as the way to prove whether we understand or not with the theory. This book is also not too thick and not too thin. So, this book is proper to read by students in the university. But the quality of this book can be categorized as quite bad. It's because each of sheets of the book is easy to dislodge. This is very disturbing for materials as good as this.

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