Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

outline Widiyarti Nur Bekti

The fact that smoking is bad for us is no secret. We all know that It has numerous effects on our health, and none of them are positive. We already know about that fact. One of the main dangers of smoking is due to nicotine, and it is found naturally in tobacco. It is, however, both physically and psychologically addictive. The risk from smoking is not just limited to the smoker. Even non-smokers are vulnerable to the dangers of cigarette smoking. Inhaling second-hand smoke is just as toxic as it is to the primary smoker. Smoking cigarette gives no advantages, it is only gives death and diseases, to both the smoker himself and the secondary smoking.

Thesis statement: smoking cigarette gives only death and diseasses to both the smoker himself and the secondary smoking.
I. Introduction
II. The danger of smoking is due to nicotine
A. The content of nicotine
B. the effect of nicotine
III. The risk of smoking is physically addictive
A. Physically addictive of smoking
B. Psychologically addictive of smoking
IV. The next effect of smoking for secondary smoker
A. The effect of smoking for the first-hand smoking
B. The effect of smoking for secondary smoking
V. Conclusion.

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