Book identity
Title: Bimbingan Pemantapan Bahasa Inggris SMA
Author: Otong Setiawan Djuharie
Publisher: Yrama Widya
Published: 2007, 240 pages
Book Bimbingan Pemantapan Bahasa Inggris SMA which written by Otong Setiawan Djuharie. This book is collecting of English exercises which can help student in senior high school to understand about English subject and help them to pass the final exam.
This book consists of 4 chapters. The first chapter tells us about functional skill. And it consists of explanation about this material, exercise and answer. And we can more understand, because it is included the explanation about the right answer. It explains about functional skill from greeting until expressing sympathy.
The second chapter tells us about language usage. It has explanation about language usage, example of exercise and answer included the explanation of the answer, and exercise. This chapter explains about grammar from concord until derivatives. This chapter explains clearly about grammar and it is included with exercise which can make us more understand.
The third chapter tells us about reading comprehension. And it same with the first and second chapter, it has example of exercise and answer included the explanation of answer and exercise. It explains about previewing until phrasing.
Different with chapter 1, 2, 3 the fourth chapter is full of exercise. It based on last final exam and test for enter university. We can learn and answer the question in this exercise, and we can see the right answer too.
This book covered by bright cover and it will make the student interest about the content of this book. This book can help the student in senior high school to practice their ability in English, because this book contains the explanation about material and the exercise with the answer. The explanation is showed comprehensively and clearly. This book adds the explanation about the right answer and it can help the student to do this exercise and it can help them to pass the final exam. And can help them to understand the grammar in English.
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