Review of Book 3 Essay Writing
Otong Setiawan Djuharie
Book Identity:
Title : Book 3 Essay Writing
Author : Otong Setiawan Djuharie
Publisher : Yrama Widya
Published : 2009, 192 pages
Book 3 Essay Writing is the third series of Teknik dan Panduan Menulis Melalui Eksplorasi Model dan Latihan book which is written by Otong Setiawan Djuharie. The purpose made of this book is to make easier the readers producing a lot of ideas and sending it with the competence of writing which increase. This book is also created because the needing of students as their material for Essay Writing subject.
Book 3 Essay Writing consists of 6 chapters. The first chapter tells us about what essay is itself. It comes from the definition until the ways how to make paragraphs become essay. Beside it, the author also tries to serve the essay structure in a concept to make easier the readers to understand and make essay itself.
In the second chapter, the author writes about the structure and essay features. In this chapter, the author divided it into 5 units. Between essay structure, supporting paragraph, concluding paragraph, and outline are separated the study each other. Every unit is studied detailed. There are a lot of examples to make easier the readers to get the information quickly. Every unit is also divided to some points. This case is purposed to give the explanation comprehensively and clearly in every chapter.
Different with chapter 2, in chapter 3 the material is one step more difficult. It is about developing essay. There are 6 units which are studied. As I said before, this chapter is more difficult than before. The materials are also complicated. This chapter talks about essay developing with the explanation of some examples, essay developing with classification, essay developing with cause-effect, essay developing with comparison, essay developing with chronology, and essay developing with the describing of description.
In chapter 4, we will know about the essay developing based on genre. Essay is classified into variety of genre with the structure which is realization by the characteristic of language. The essay structures between one another are not always same. It is many kind of variation. This chapter explains about the genre of essay such as descriptive, report, explanation, exposition, discussion, procedure, review, narrative, spoof, recount, anecdote, and news item.
The next chapter exactly in chapter 5, it explains about the technical of writing. This technical of writing talks around quotation, footnote, summary, in note, paraphrase, and précis. This is important thing to study in academic writing. We often add or put some information which is taken from some sources. Beside it, we also have to show the academic reliability with mention some sources from the information which is taken.
In the last chapter is about the appraiser of essay writing. It explains the score parameter from A until E. The author decides the score in essay writing with observation first to some questions such as does the essay address the topic? Is the essay organized? Does the essay provide appropriate details to support the thesis? Does the essay display proper use of language? Does the essay show variety and use of words?
This book is covered as attract as possible with the bright cover to make some attention for many people. The explanation is showed comprehensively and clearly. This book also adds a lot of examples to make us easier and understand about what is discussing about. This book is proper to read by people whom want to study how to make a good essay. It is also proper to read by lecturer and students as a reference or materials for essay writing subject.
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