Title : Basic Skill for English Conversation
Author : Otong Setiawan Dhjuhari – U. D. Guntoro
Publisher : Yrama Widya
Published : 2001, 112 pages
Basic Skill for English Conversation is a title from a book which is written by Otong Setiawan Djuhari and U. D. Guntoro. The purpose made of this book is to make easier everyone who wants to speak English well. In this book is written about greeting, thanking, apologies, polite remarks, alphabets, numbers, introducing person, interview, offer things, asking for things, command and request, prohibition, invitation, question and answer, telling something, there is and there are, personal pronoun, degree of comparison, tenses and vocabulary building.
After I read this book, I look at that this book has some excess which has to know. Those excess are this book give be ease for everyone to can starting to speak English well, also this book can using to study autodidact, this book write about something which is important in English conversation, this book can to give motivation for everyone to can speaking English, this book is very practical because it`s measure is small, and also this book is completed with tenses.
Except that, this book has some lack too. Those lacks are this book is only a few give examples in daily English conversation. So, not to give many images or information about daily English conversation. Beside that in this book is not written about regular verb and irregular verb. So, someone will be rather confused with using verb which changes form.
This book is a good for everyone who wants to speak English well. But if you want to look at or search the changing verb, you have to open dictionary and search about regular verb and irregular verb.
This book is compatible be read by whoever who want to can speaking English well.
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