Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Comparison contrast descriptive_Yusanti

Typewriter and computer are machine which is used to make a writing or a works of form writing. this tool is used in order to writing which is made to can be read easily. before everyone knew and used computer, they had used typewriter to make a writing.
Typewriter does not have screen and not to have operating system which form soft file. Typewriter has ink in machine. so, when we flicked a writing and that writing will be straightaway in hard file. If we are wrong in typing, that wrong will be seen when that writing has been.
Other tools which is used to make a writing is a computer. A computer has screen, keyboard,  and operating system or CPU which arrange all computer system. A computer has hardware and software system. Also, a computer has operating system which form soft file and has application which is more complete better than typewriter. And writing which is made with use computer will be printed with printer. If we are wrong in typing, that wrong will not be seen when that writing has been.
Now, typewriter seldom is used again to write or to flick something. because many difficulties and lack in use typewriter. Not to be like a computer which give ease and have superiority in flick something.

2 komentar:

  1. yusanthiya : i want to give some comments for yusanti's essay.
    first, when i had read it, i found some words, phrases, sentence, which i think, it is wrong. for paragraph 1, line 1 and 2, 'a writing or a works of form writing', i think if yusanti wanted to write noun of work as plural, it must be written without 'a', but if yusanti wanted making it as singular or expressing that it is just one, it can be written without s, like 'a work'.

    paragraph 2, line 2 and 3, 'Typewriter does not have screen and not to have operating system which form soft file', i think, it will be better if yusanti did not write double 'not' in that sentence. i mean, yusanti can write like this, 'Typewriter does not have screen and operating system'
    and for using adjective clause in that sentence, i think after yusanti wrote 'operating system which form', if yusanti meant that 'form' as verb, so it has to add 's', because 'operating system' as subject, it is singular.
    and line 3. 'If we are wrong in typing, that wrong will be seen when that writing has been', i think if i may change that sentence, i will change it to be 'if we do mistake in typing, that mistake will be seen when that writing has been.'

  2. yashinta: i want to give comment...
    the topic is contrast..
    i found this sentence in paragraph 3 line 3, "has application which is more complete better than typewriter. " i think it can be change with "has application which is more complete thab typewriter."
    because more, means better too.
    thanks ^_^
