Draft essay:
Being smart is necessary
Being smart has been something that cannot be separated from academic society especially for those who teach and share the education as they will be wanted so much. Then the smart person will always be onored by academic society exactly, So it is one of some factors that can influence someone to learn hardly and try to be qualified person. Even now there are some institutes and universities that want smart person so much to teach there. Factually being smart is not easy, it need the high pretention and working hardly.
In the other way, some people who has been smart wish to get a job. But we all know that this time looking for jobs are difficult, especially in academics and social environment. Since probably the opportunities to work are so limited. They just need someone who has a good skill, especially in english skill. Even now there are many local companies which looking for the worker that has english skill. It also can influence for someone to learn English, exactly to be smart. If somebody does not have the capability to be smart, they will not get the job which they want. On the other way, if somebody has capability to be smart, they will always get something what they want, especially in looking for a job.
Beside that being smart also needed for social life, such as in conversation, sharing knowledge for the other and so on. But that’s all are so difficult to do if someone doesn’t have skill and capability. Fortunately the smart people can handle it with their perspicacity. Then if we see the smart people everywhere, they will be looked so uncomplicated, polite and friendly. Different with the people that has less experiance. They will be looked uncommunicative and uninteractive.

Bagaimana mengungkapkannya dalam bahasa Inggris
A. Preface
Title : Bagaimana mengungkapkannya dalam Bahasa Inggris
Author : Otong setiawan Djuharie
Publisher : Yrama Widya
Year : 2003
Pages : 272
B. Content
With 272 pages rounded, this book is right size, it so nice to be practiced in our life. Because there are so many daily expressions that usually using. Generally, this book tells about how the way to explore our feeling in many expressions especially in speaking context. Such as how to express place cues, how to express possesive cues and mood. That’s all have been written on this book. Then, the author explained that the people who often use indonesian language first, then translate it into english, then he tried to make the readers can express their feeling into english directly with this book. He also provide the lexical meaning, structural and gramatical meaning, and pragmatic meaning. Beside that, the author provide some materials that is nice to be explored such as possesive cues, time cues, preference, conjunction, emphasizing, adjective v.s adverb and so on.
C. Whose this book for?
When i had read this book, i could understand and catch to whom the author made this book. On the preface he said that this book was supposed to help people that want to express their feeling in english especially for academic environment. The author also wants to make the students can be explore and practice english in many asepect especially in speaking context.
D. Assesment
As i have read this book, i think this book has many materials which can easy to learn, because the explanation is using in Bahasa. It also can use for people that learn english first time.
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