Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

sri_revisi essay 1

Being a Vegetarian

Are you ready to be a vegetarian ?becoming vegetarian means that you should avoid meat of your life. With careful planning, you can provide all the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for a long and healthy life, but it’s not easy to do. Instead may be you will get hard to restrain your appetite cause there are a lot challenges that must be defeated. Being vegetarian is a difficult determination.

The first thing you should remaind that being vegetarian need a high motivation to avoid everything that have a relationship with the meat. You must kill your taste of the food as meatball, soup, sate , etc. Even maybe you will get some troubles to set your brain to forget the meat, cause normally the more you are trying to avoid ,the more you want. Sure, It needs hard efforts to restrain your appetite.

Furthermore, there’re a lot of consequences to manage the balance of body nutrition cause generally somebody ignore what they need of the meat that must be replaced by other supplied of the food. As we know that the meat have a lot of nutritions which are important to keep our health. All in all, automatically if we avoid the meat, we couldn’t get enough the nutrient intake that is needed for our body.The body resistance will be decreased if you didn’t know more sight about the body nutrient.Overall it’s need a special wits to set your daily nutrition.

Instead sometimes you will find it hard to get the fresh vegetable in the city, due to at the time there’re a lot of pollutions that gives the bad effect to plants especially for vegetables. Moreover the vegetable that’s sold in supermarket usually is stored for several weeks. Certainly it’s not quite fresh to comsume. The vegetable will lost its vitamins and minerals that we need to replace the nutrient intake of the meat. Still, anyway we need fresh vegetable that generally it’s just provided at garden, but you know, it’s not easy to find the vegetable garden at the big city.

Besides that, being a vegetarian does not mean that you could have a long life,cause as we know there’s a poison that content of the vegetable because of the using of fertilizer. However it gives the bad effect for health.
To sum up, there’re a lot of chalanges and consquences that should you faced if you decided to be a vegetarian. It needs hard effort and more sight,cause being a vegetarian is not something easy to do.

sri_comparison contrast ,

L'Arc~en~Ciel, the greatest band in Japan

Larc~en ~ciel is very well known band throughout the history of musik in Japan. It is a Japanese music group wing J-Rock. The band consists of Hyde (vocals), Ken (guitar), Tetsu (bass), and Yukihiro (drum). This music group was founded by Tetsu in February 1991. The name "L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel" comes from a word in French which literally means "arch in the sky" or "rainbow", the name is taken from the title of a French film that was watched by Tetsu.

This band began career as a visual kei band in Osaka more than fifteen years ago. After years of a career, their image could be said more and become more mainstream. They create songs with a wider range of music, from the catchy pop-rock to ballad. With a variety of music, they managed to become one of the top rock bands in Japan. Not only the popularity of L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel is stronger in Japan, they also managed to amaze even the connoisseurs of music and audiences around the world. This is a real example of music as universal language.

Futhermore in 1994, L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel signed a contract with the division Ki / oon Sony and released their second album, Tierra. HeavenlyTrue, releases the first to sell millions of copies of the band.

However , just as the other bands, this band is also have the problems that caused them to be vacum at the time. In early 1997 when the band are top of his success Sakura was arrested for heroin possession. He then officially left the band on 4 October. When news of the arrest spread to the public Sakura, CD - CD L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel derived from shelves - CD rack. And the songs of The Fourth Avenue Café that was previously used as the soundtrack to the anime Rurouni Kenshin immediately replaced. Although this represents a low point in the history of the band, and the release of The Fourth Avenue Café delayed, True album stayed on the charts for two years.
Overall They could return officially with concerts Reincarnation '97 Live at Tokyo Dome. With an audience of 56.000 people, the first tickets that still have not won a record unmatched to this day, which sold out in just over four minutes. This case automatically proved that Larc en ciel’s existence is always be the most influential band in Japan music history. Larc en ciel is never die.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Comparison Contrast Descriptive_Santi Ramdhani

Studying together is better
Studying is an activity that always do every time, every where, and for whoever. Especially for students in the university, it becomes a required activity. A student must learn to improve their knowledge higher. To gain the best achievement in the class, they must study hard. To support it, some students have two ways studying. The first is study alone and the second is study with others. For the way studying, I prefer studying together to studying alone.
I think, studying together is more fun. It is because I will never feel bored with my friends. For me, the process of learning needs somebody to help. They can tell me something what I do not know. In addition, we can share each other to solve the problems. Usually the opinions which come from various thinking will make us easier to solve anything. More over, studying together can make our friendship being closer. It also can make us more respect to others and make social interaction among us better.
In the other hand, studying alone can make me feel bored. For me, when I feel tired to study no one amuse me. Then, I feel stuck when I do not know what I am learning because no one tell and guide me. Not only that, if I always studying alone, I seem like so individualist. As if I do not need someone else. Then, the social interaction with my friends becomes lower.
That is why I prefer studying together to studying alone. Not only can enrich my knowledge but also can make happy to study.

Silvina (revisi I)

“Be Happy Being a Corruptor”
Silvina Nugrahwati
Corruption is trend from year to year. It was begun from corruption alleged case Soeharto at seven foundations, until cases of Arthalita or Ayin and Gayus Tambunan recently. The word “scared” seems not to make aware all of the corruptor. They still can move free and earn a lot of money though they committed corruption. Likely, it is not difficult to be a corruptor if we are quite dare and twist our brain smartly. A lot of profit can be gotten easily if the corruptor is smart.
First, is getting money as much as possible without being found out. In SPDP (the mandate to begin investigation), suspected Gayus alleged to do money laundering, corruption, doing an injustice and fraud. According to researcher prosecutor, Gayus was a civil servant in directorate and tax director general equal. It was rather impossible if he had 25 milliards rupiah in Panin Bank, Jakarta and luxurious house in the amount 1.5 milliards rupiah. How could he do it for a long time easily? Of course, he was smart enough.
Second, is covering what done without being found out. As reported previously, Gayus Tambunan admitted to give 5 milliards rupiah to Prosecutor Cirus Sinaga through the lawyer Haposan Hutagalung. Then, when the police had been handled mafia tax, Gayus Tambunan, they blocked the property bill for about 28 milliards rupiah. They said that money was gift from the companies that the tax was inspected by Gayus. But then, the block could be opened again so that Gayus could return to use the money. The opening of that block was done when Raja was a director economy police II. After opening that block, Gayus extradited 2 million US$ to the lawyer; Haposan Hutagalung, investigator, prosecutor, judge, and lawyer team.
Third, minimize imprisonment. Because of bribing, Gayus only got 7 years in prison. It is probably less then 7 years because in Indonesia, corruptor can get much more remission then the other criminal. Not only it, can they still go to stroll out of country and all of the cost is paid free.
Forth, still being rich and glad alive although at prison. Not only Gayus Tambunan that could go aboard though imprisonment, but also Arthalita Suryani or Ayyin that could enjoy all of the luxurious facilities like five stars hotel. If we speak about law enforcer means to speak also about law itself. In law science knows basis “equality before the law”, where all people have positions equal before the law. If we compare it with prison, means that in prison all people also have the equality before the law - mean equal to - has positions same in custody. This matter is related tight with norm and sense of justice in law. Therefore may be sense of justice has died to this end; at luxurious prison of Artalitha.
The last, is still possible being official after free from prison. In the other case is Nurdin Halid. In 13 Augusts 2007, he returned to punished two year in prison because of committing corruption in frying oil supplying. Based on standard statute of International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), a criminal executant may not hold a position as head leader a national football association. Because of that reason, Nurdin pushed to step back from various side; jusuf kalla (vice president of Indonesia at that time), the chairman of Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), and even FIFA depressed Nurdin to retreat. FIFA even threatened to drop sanction to Association of Indonesian Football (PSSI) otherwise conducted head leader re-election. But Nurdin insistent doesn't step back from the function as chairman of PSSI. So that doesn't break PSSI statute, the statute hits previous head leader sounds" must never involved in criminal case" (English: “they . . . , must has been previously found guilty of a criminal offense musical note. . . . " ) changed it with abolish word "ever" (English: "has been previously”) so that its mean being “. . . must musical note found guilty of a criminal offense. . . " ). After the arrest time had finished, Nurdin returned to hold a position as chairman of PSSI.
If the corruptor were not smart enough, the story would be different. It could be hard to corrupt easily and happily. So, exploit our cleverness to removes corruption and build Indonesia better. Because though making the corruptor happy but hurting the people so.

Silvina Nugrahwati's comparison-contrast

The Proper Way to Express My Feeling
Silvina Nugrahwati
There are a lot of ways to express our feeling. One of them is writing a diary. Why diary? Because we can express what we feel without the other people know as much as we want. And for me, writing a diary is one of my hobbies. For the way writing style, either using story or using poetry, I prefer using poetry in writing diary.
When I write using poetry style in my diary, I get more satisfaction then when I write using story style. Why? First, poetry has a deepest meaning making my feeling more meaningful. Second, the diction in poetry makes my writing more beautiful and more interesting. Because in Poetry often uses particular forms and conventions to suggest alternative meanings in the words, or to evoke emotional or sensual responses. The third, in poetry, the diction can make different interpretation for the readers. So, someone who read my diary will not understand what I mean directly. It Mean that my secret can be saved. And the last, poetry is a form of literary art. So, we can make my poetry in the diary becomes my literary work or the ontology of my poetry.
On the other hand, writing diary using story style makes me bored. Sometimes, I feel stuck to write using that way, because I feel hard to make a beautiful diction. Because as I know that way using a simple words. Unfortunately, I even loose my words when I write. And it made my feeling worse. As I want in writing is getting a satisfaction in my soul not the opposite. Then, the other reason is, I can hide my secret because someone can understand what I write directly.
Well, that is why I prefer using poetry in writing diary. Cause, by using that way I cannot only express any feeling that I feel more beautifully but also make a literary work.

March, 29 2011

Description Text Based on Comparisson Contrast_Sadam Husen

Assignment of Essay Writing
Name : Sadam Husen
Class : BSI IV E
There are two schools that I want to choose to continuo my study. They are SMK Al- Hurriyah and SMK Al-Mukhtafa. Before choosing one of them, I want to describe both of them.

SMK Al-Hurriyah is about 20 Km from my house. And it has a good building. Its color is white only. It has 21 classrooms. Besides that, it has Administration Room, Office Room, Cafeteria, and Counseling Room. Unfortunately, there is no football field. So, if there are some students who want to play it, they use Basketball court. Another facility is Mosque. There is a beautiful mosque inside the school area. It is so large. But, there is no toilet beside the mosque.

After that, All Teachers in this school are Scholars of Education. But, sometimes their teaching methods make some students confused. And sometimes, their teaching methods make some students understood.

On the other hand, there is another school that I want to choose. It is SMK Al-Mukhtafa. It is about 25 Km from my house. The building is the most beautiful building in my region. Its color is green and white. It is two storey building. In the first floor, there are 12 classrooms, office Room, Administration Room, Cafeteria, Student Organization Room, and Laboratory. Unluckily, there is no playing field because there are so many plants and grass inside school area.

Another facility of this school is a mosque. There is a small mosque. It is called “Mushalla” in my region. Although it is small, it has two toilets beside it. The first toilet is for men. And the second one is for women. Unfortunately, when some teachers and some students are taking a pray there, they cannot do it seriously. It is just because the mosque is beside cafeteria.

After that, some teachers in this school are Scholars of Education. And some teachers are Scholars of Religion. So, the teachers who are Scholars of Education have got Civil Servant. But, the teachers who are not Scholars of Education (Scholars of Religion) have not got Civil Servant yet.

According to the description of two schools above, I prefer SMK Al-Hurriyah to SMK Al-Mukhtafa. The reason I choose it is because it is not far from my house. And then, the important thing that the teachers who want to teach me is Scholars of Education. So, they know how to teach the students. And I hope, I will get some a lot of knowledge there.

Draft Essay_ Sadam Husen (Revisi 1)

Name : Sadam Husen
Class : BSI IV E
Living in a city has some difficulties

Have you ever known how some people live in a city? Do they live difficulty? Or do they live easily?. Yeah, there are some difficulties that the people do there. These difficulties make them confused. they have some aspects in living in the city. they are job aspects, social interaction, Sources, Traffic, and many more.
In job aspects, all people said that when we wanted to get job easily, we had to live in Jakarta. It is not too right. Only several people get the job in city. Actually, most of them come from the village. They go to the city just for looking for the job. But they don't have any skills.So, looking for the job in the city is so difficult.
In Social Interaction, do you know that All people living in the city use Individualism? And have you ever heard that making some social Interactions in the city is so difficult. They do not care others each other. So, when we want to ask for help in the city. The result, nobody wants to help us.
In Sources aspect, city does not have a lot of sources such as water. In some region in the city, All people get the water difficulty. So, when they want to take a bath, even when they want to drink water, they have to buy water first. And then they get water for taking a bath and drinking.
In Traffic aspects, we know that all people in the city have cars , motorcycles, and other means of transportation. Beside that, there are a lot of Public Transportation that make traffic Jam on the road. The result, when we want to go somewhere in the city, we have to go early. it's just because avoid the traffic jam.
So, we have to think more when we want to live in the city. And then, we have to take some resolution of those problems or difficulties in living in the city.

Yusanti`s Draft ( Rev. 1 )


Parents always have a lot of affection for their children. Their affection is showed with take care of their children from baby until adult well. When their children were baby, they always give their notice and their affection honestly. The way give breast milk for their baby, take care of body their baby, and take care of their baby in order to their baby do not sick. All of that do well. Cause of parents is very love their children and always takes care of their children every time, sometime that make parents have characteristic is over protective for their children. They always have feeling fear which is over for their children when their children go to play with their friends. Sometime they like to forbid their children to play to one of place. Their reason because they are afraid be happened something to their children if their children go to play to one of place which is so far from their house. And sometime, that is make their children do not like. Because their children think that their parents do not believe that they can to take care of themselves. Also, Parents always choose something to their children. They always do it. Because they do not want their children choose something is wrong. For example parents always give suggestion to their children to choose friends is good. And if they look at their children’s friends is not good, they will forbid their children to play with them. And all of they do because they want to give the best for their children. And also they want their children are safe.
Cause of children is meaningful for their parents, so a part some parents has thinking their children’s life is their life or their life is their children’s life. Whatever will be done by them just for their children. They work every day without tired to meet their children’s needs. In order to they can to give what is had by their children. Also, they always educate their children well. In order to their children have a good characteristic. Usual, the first when parents educated their children, the children will be introduced with religion and then with other education. That is because they want their children have base of religion before they lesson the other. The children’s needs are always given by their parents. And also with their education always from their parents. Especially the base of education which forms the children’s characteristic. And because that the children’s life is always depend on their parents. If their parents educate their children well. So, their children will have a good characteristic and will be always liked by many people. Cause of the children’s life always depends on their parents. So, a part of parents think that their children’s life is determined by them. Whatever they choose for their children, it has to be done by their children. And if they do not like to something, so their children is not permitted to like it too. But a part of other parents think that although all of their children’s needs is given by them, but their children’s life is not determined by them. Because their children have opinion which has to be borne mutual respect. And also they have right to choose their life. Parents only give a good suggestion to their children.
For every parent, life will be complete if they have a child. Because a child is complete parents` life. Besides they have friend in the house, also they have the generation responsible for continuing the family. Because of that parents will always educate their children well. In order to their children become the generation responsible for continuing family is the best. Because the children always take up days their parents, so the children make parents` life meaningful. And parents always feel happy if they are nearby their children. Because the children are happiness to every parent.
Causes of the children are meaningful for their parents, so we can to say that the children are a part of soul from parents. A part of soul never can to be separated by whomever. And parts of soul which make parents have hope life to their children to become the best. Every parent will be happy if they have children. Because beside as hope life, the children are beautiful gift from The God too.

Comparison contrast descriptive_Yusanti

Typewriter and computer are machine which is used to make a writing or a works of form writing. this tool is used in order to writing which is made to can be read easily. before everyone knew and used computer, they had used typewriter to make a writing.
Typewriter does not have screen and not to have operating system which form soft file. Typewriter has ink in machine. so, when we flicked a writing and that writing will be straightaway in hard file. If we are wrong in typing, that wrong will be seen when that writing has been.
Other tools which is used to make a writing is a computer. A computer has screen, keyboard,  and operating system or CPU which arrange all computer system. A computer has hardware and software system. Also, a computer has operating system which form soft file and has application which is more complete better than typewriter. And writing which is made with use computer will be printed with printer. If we are wrong in typing, that wrong will not be seen when that writing has been.
Now, typewriter seldom is used again to write or to flick something. because many difficulties and lack in use typewriter. Not to be like a computer which give ease and have superiority in flick something.

draft essay Siti Nurohmah (revisi I)

Be Selective Watching Television!
            Since television was invented in 1925 by John Logie Baird as information and entertainment media which continues developing, it becomes something which cannot separate from human life. Human need is the major cause of it. Therefore, not surprisingly, watching television becomes a popular habit either for children, teenagers, or adults. Although there is a thought that it is just waste of time, but here, I will show you two reasons why it is not just waste of time specifically for college students.
            The first, we can get a lot of news from it. Kind of news is various. It can be political news, which give us information about how political situation in domestic even foreign political situation. Even less if we are political students which need more information about political related to lecture. We also get social news and know about social phenomenon which happens in society especially for them, the student of social department and the social scientist that splash around in social department. Then we also can get information about economic news about price increase, stock index and the other which is helpful for us, particularly for student of economic department even economist. So, we can imagine that from the two dimension box we can have opportunity to be full of knowledge by getting information especially from news in this case.
            The second, we can get entertainment which can be one of the ways to refresh our mind from the daily activity. But before enjoying it as an entertainment, we also have to be selective choosing the program on television. As we know there are a lot of programs of entertainment which give less education even gives no education at all. So, we have to know how to choose the good entertainment. One of the ways is choosing program which give us entertainment but there is knowledge also that we can get from it. For example, the television program of traveling or vacation which not only gives us freshness but also gives more information about guide to travel.
            From both of the reasons, we can conclude that watching television is not waste of time specifically for college students but it is depend on them who can be selective in choosing the television programs which can enrich the knowledge.          

Essay Descriptive Comparison-Contrast_Siti Nurohmah

Supermarket versus Traditional Market
            For filling daily necessary, people usually go shopping to the market. But now we have the choices which one market we will go shopping? This question appears because along with period and technological development, not only traditional market which become as shopping place, but also there are a lot of modern or supermarkets which rapidly developed. Both two kinds of shopping place, I prefer going shopping in supermarket to traditional market.
            I feel comfort and happy when I go shopping to supermarket. It is because supermarket has a big clean building, cool place cause completed by air conditioner, wide area, parking area specifically for customers and there, the daily necessity which is sold is complete. There are many kinds of food-stuffs including fresh fruits and vegetables, beverage, house equipments, clothes, shoes, bags, office appliances, cosmetics, jewelry, toys, and electronic equipment. All of those are arranged neatly in separated part with clear direction. So, we do not need to be confused when looking for things we need. Then we also do not need to hesitate with its quality, because all of those have the best quality.  That is why its prices are more expensive than in traditional market. I think, it is one disadvantage of it.
            On the other hand, when we go shopping to traditional market, the first glance that we find is the dirty place and the street become wet when it is rainy. There is no parking area for customers. The customers just park his vehicle at random in the place they want. Then when we come in, we can see there is no separation area between the grocery, fruit-shop, clothing store, and the others. So, it makes us confused to look for thing we need because there is no clear direction about separation area for kinds of shop. The goods which are sold are not too different with goods which are sold in supermarket. Everything is the same relatively. Thing that differs between both of them is their quality of place and goods. In Traditional Market, there are goods from various qualities. It comes from low until best quality. Because of that, we have to choose selectively first about the quality of goods before buy it and it makes the various prices also. In this case, it makes us have to work double, first choosing selectively and then buying.
            Actually the choice of choosing shopping place depends on our necessity. It can be necessity of goods we need, comfort shopping place, best quality of goods and the others. Each of the choices has advantages and disadvantages. We can adjust what we need and where we get what we need. In my opinion, paying more to get satisfied thing which appropriate with what we need is not problem. So I prefer to go shopping in supermarket to traditional market.              


Title                 : Active and Interactive English
Writer              : Drs.Otong Setiawan Djuharie, M.Pd.
Year                : Juni 2010
Publisher         : CV.YRAMA WIDYA
Pages               : 136 pages

The writer writes this book because he knows that English has to apply in children worlds as early as possible. Actually this book is a fourth printed. This book is completely from the first, second and the third printed.

This book tells us about how a child can be a child that active, fluently in conversation in English it emphasize in method play in learn because the ages about 10 until 13 years old are in studying period but they need plays to play to stimulating their minds to absorb the material in this book.
Active and Interactive for the sixth Grade of Elementary School (fourth printed) showed that the writer is a expert in English. Publisher team believe that this book will increase for the income so they publish it.
Active and Interactive for the sixth Grade of Elementary School’s book is not a dogmatic language theory but it more in stimulates to inspire to arouse the curiosity of the children to studying and trying to use English in their activities.
Superiority of this book is a good design in cover and content. In every pages have interesting picture for make the child want to read this book. The children can be easily in catch the purpose of the material with seeing the picture first. Then, the font is quite big and it reduce the saturation when the children reading. This book is appropriate for sixth grade of Elementary school to stimulating their brain to can communication in English. And for the susceptibility is located in the picture in every pages Although the picture in this book is very interesting for the child, the picture will be more interesting if it give color.
It is a great book, not only the teacher use it to teach but another people can use it like parent of the student to give some add of study at home and the child can study by themselves from this book.

Name: Siti Patimah

comparison-contrast procedure

Name : Sari
NIM : 1209503156
Class : BSI / E / IV

Two Ways of Washing Clothes

Of these two ways of washing clothes, either by myself with my hand or at laundry with machine.
When I washing clothes with my hand, I can washing my clothes efficiently and more economize and can believe that my clothes cleaner than when I washing my clothes at laundry with machines. My clothes also can I give some softener for when I finished washing my clothes before I dry it. Why I choose washing clothes by myself because beside it I can economize my money and washing by hand also can exercise muscles for not strained and cramps although washing clothes by my hand makes me so tired by I that never mind because tired can lost easily.
On other hand, washing with machines at laundry makes me wasteful of my money and I can’t believe that my clothes is clean and smell by softener as usually I give that to my clothes. And sometimes washing at laundry dissatisfied for the result and it’s too long when I need my clothes soon and my clothes still there so I feel bored and dissatisfied when I washing my clothes at laundry with machines.
The reason I like washing my clothes with my hand is because economize of electric and money for involve the global warming and wasteful of money. I can save my money in the bank for buy something that more useful like needed of thing daily or give my money to my parents.

comparison contrast descriptive_yashinta ps

Traffic Jam in Jakarta and Bandung
Traffic jam has been a 'lifetime' problem of this city. The government has tried to solve this but it became worse. Even the environmentalist predicted, in 2015 it will be a stagnant traffic jam in the city. People would stick in the traffic jam right in front of their houses. And I think everybody hate traffic jam. Besides waste time, it can waste energy. Indonesia has 2 cities that has traffic problem. These are Jakarta and Bandung.
Jakarta is not only the capital city of Indonesia, but also the center of entertainment and business in this country. Many people came in this city from every corner of the country and makes Jakarta one of the most crowded city in the world. With only 661,52 km2 of land, Jakarta has approximately 8.5 million population in it (not mentioning the illegals who doesn't get themselves registered). The overcrowding has brought problems like unemployments, illegal housings, and also the environment problems like annual flood and traffic jam. Traffic jam, has been a 'lifetime' problem of this city. Every day, more than two hundreds of new cars and more than a thousand new motorcycles licenses are approved. Imagine how many vehicles are there in the street of Jakarta every day. The government has tried to solve this problem by providing the transport system, regulating the ownership of cars, and also limiting the vehicles in some main road which connects the important sector of the city. These solutions, didn't work out. Not only that the traffic jam has become worse every day, but also the expert even has predicted Jakarta will stuck in a stagnant traffic jam in 2015. By that time, the citizen of Jakarta will face the traffic jam from the moment they drive their car out of their house. Public transport which was offered as an alternative solution wasn't enough in quality and quantity. Those who have personal cars would rather use their own, than having to put themselves in a unsafe overcrowded bus. Those who have motorcycles would rather use theirs because the cost is even lower than using the public buses. Limiting the amount of cars by three-in-one policy was only moving the jammed point from one place to another. Even it has brought new problem, the illegal-paid-passengers who was paid to meet the minimum amount of people in one car (which then lead to the raising of crime rates).
On the other hand, Bandung is the capital of West Java province in Indonesia, and the country's third largest city, and 2nd largest metropolitan area in Indonesia, with 7.4 million in 2007. It has same problem with Jakarta. Traffic jam is the problem for people in Bandung. Bandung has traffic jam problem everyday and especially on the weekend. On weekday, traffic jam happen in the morning or evening. In the morning people will go for work, study, etc. And in the evening they will come back to their house. And the road always full of vehicles. And on the weekend, traffic jam happen everytime in the recreation place, mall, outlet, and another crowded area in Bandung. Traffic jam in Jakarta happen everyday and everytime. And in Bandung, traffic jam happen on the weekend and sometimes. Actually Bandung will have same with Jakarta, in traffic jam problem. Some people want to go Bandung every day, and it makes road in Bandung will full of vehicles and traffic jam will happen. But, traffic jam in Bandung is not serious problem here. In Jakarta, traffic jam really interrupt and waste Jakarta’s people. We can waste a half on the road for traffic jam in Bandung. But, in Jakarta we can waste 1 until 2 hours for traffic jam.
Jakarta and Bandung has same problem, but Jakarta has serious problem with traffic jam. And Bandung has quite serious problem with traffic jam. Traffic jam really wastes our time. But, that is the consequences if we are live in the capital or crowded city.

draft essay_yashinta ps(revII)

The Best Thing for Children
Many of us know that parent always give their affection to their children. Parents have something that always makes the children feel comfort with them. Actually parents can be a friend for their children. Because, parents have experience in their life that can make their children know about this life. And they want to give the best thing for their children. They want to give the best in many aspects. The best thing in their religion, education, attitude, decency, and other things. They really know what the best thing for their children.

Generally we know that parents always give their affection to their children. Until the family as we know it ceases to exist, nobody will dare to analyze parental affection as distinguished from that general human sympathy which has secured to many an orphan fonder care in a stranger's house than it would have received from its actual parents. Usually parents know what their children want, but children don’t know what their parents want. As we know that parents will give anything for their children. Children are valuable thing for them. Parents will not give bad thing for their children’s life.
The second reason, children can feel comfort with their parents, but sometimes they didn’t comfort with them. Parents know what way to make the children comfort with them. Children need to share their problem to another person. And parent is the best place for share the problem. Parents have good solution for the children problem. An inhibited teenager may wish to cover up their pain with solitary distraction while the uninhibited one may seek the continuing company of familiar peers who knew the victim. Although they may seem extreme at times, most reactions will fall within normal limits. Besides that parents understand what their children feel. As a parent, they always think what their children feel. They can feel what their children feel. If they are sad, happy, etc. And parents know it.
The third reason, parents have desire for their children. Every parent wants to see their children success in the future. So, they give the best thing for their children’s life. For example some private schools do an excellent job of meeting the needs of gifted children, while others don't. Many public schools do not do a good job of meeting the needs of gifted children, but others do an excellent job. However, individual teachers also matter a great deal. An excellent school may have a teacher who does not work well with gifted children.
Another thing is give the best thing in their religion. A great piece of advice for teaching religion to your children is not to use it as a form of mind control-through ideas of divine punishment and retribution. Inflicting a fear factor to their kids over religion is certainly not the way to go. God should be reflected as a loving, tolerant and forgiving supreme being. Teaching children that God is loving also teaches them tolerance and respect for all. As the parent consistently use whatever scripture, ascribe to as a tool of fear and control their kids are going to grow up with resentment towards them and religion. Whether there is a God or not should not be the issue. It is how the idea of God and religion is presented to their children by them.
So, parents can make everything is good for their child. They know what they will do and what will they need. Become a parent is not easy but we will feel satisfied show our children success in the future.

Comparison Contrast Descriptive_Siska Hardiana Safitri

On weekend or in holiday, some people usually spend their time with family. When considering going on vacation and having fun with family, I prefer going to Cibodas Botanical Garden than Dunia Fantasi.
Cibodas Botanical Garden is located in Cipanas-Puncak-Cianjur. It is in Mount Gede-Pangrango area. Because of that, the weather is so cool and the temperature is approximately 17⁰ C. Cibodas Botanical Garden is the side-branch of Bogor Botanical Garden. There are many facilities available to complete your holiday. Glass House, Moss Park, Waterfall, Sakura Park and absolutely wide park which can use playing with family, relaxing and refreshing our mind. The air is so fresh and there is no pollution which can disturb our fun. The most important thing, we can enjoy our weekend without worry about safety of our family especially for children.
On the other hand, Dunia Fantasi is also available a lot of plays or entertainment such as Kora-kora, Halilintar, Tornado, Kicir-kicir, Hysteria and many others. But, those plays are so dangerous for people whom have problem with their heart or for old man and also forbidden for children who’s not enough yet in limited minimum of some plays. We will not feel comfort and fresh there. We will feel tired after playing all those plays.
Family is everything for us. The safety and pleasant of our family is important. When our mind feels fresh, we can feel relaxing and enjoying with them.

Yusanthiya_Essay (rev 1)

Why do Parents Know What Is The Best for Their Chidren ?

Do you know that parents always know what is the best for their children ? Actually, we know that every parents have the natural affection for their children. So, they will know and feel what is the best for their children. Besides that, they have strong intuition to them. And then, its intuition which makes parents know about the best thing for their children. Another reasons can be said because of their pure love and pure love which makes parents feel that children are important for their life. When they think that children are important, so it makes them thinking carefully and believe their intuition. Another thing is parents have experience in their life. That is why parents always know the best thing for their children.
Generally, a lot of reasons can prove that parents will know what is the best for their children. First reason is parents have the natural affection for their children. Their affection is something special which is shown just for their children, and it also makes parents to know how the way to take care them with love. Parents take care their children, since they were born. It will be natural because every parents have the affection to the children, although sometimes not all parents have the affection to them. Especially for a mother, when an infant is born, she will take care her infant with love, it can be shown when a mother gives her infant milk breast. It is proof of affection of parents to children. Besides that, when parents have children, they will take care them carefully. They will not leave them to grow up badly. How they can take care their children, it can be shown when parents never forget to give the rule for them, to discipline. Parents will educate them to know their God, to live in society, and to be a good person for everyone. Every parents do not want if their children grow up to be bad person, and because they have natural affection which it makes parents knowing the way to take care their children. Due to the fact that parents have the natural affection, they also will always help their children everytime if they can do it. Parents will try to do everything only for their children. They do not care if it is things which are bad or difficult to do. For example, when a child needs something like toys, parents will look for it and buy it just for their child or when a son/daughter cannot do his/her assignment, parents will help him/her to finish it.
Second reason is parents have strong intuition. Parents can know what is the best for their children by their intuition, because they believe that their intuition can make their children’s life better. Sometimes, parents’ intuitions are real, when parents’ intuition have effect for children’s life. It also can avoid them of bad things. It is natural, because every parents will use their feeling or intuition to feel what is the best for their children, and it will be real in some condition. How their intuition can have effect to children’s life is parents will believe their intuition to feel what is the best for them. One example of it, when parents have intuition, it will be done with affection also. They will think that what they think and feel will be right for them, without they care how children think about that, it is like an actress (Arumi). She went out from her house because she thinks that her parents is over protective to her. She does not feel comfort, but in any case, parents think that they are right. It has happened because Arumi loves someone, but her parents does not agree with her love. Parents think that Arumi’s soulmate is not good boy, so, parents ban Arumi to have relation with him. Arumi’s parents only want she leaves him and lives better without him. Arumi does not want to do it, so she went out from her house just because she wants to show that she does not agree with them. What has happened with Arumi, it shows that parents have intuition to ascertain what is the best for their children, although their children think different. It can be right or wrong. It depends on condition.
Third reason is parents think that their children are important for their life. This is one reason which is very natural of people. When people have been parents and they had children, then they will think that the children is everything for them. Someone who can live to continue the generation of family is children. So they will think that children are their future, and they are also their life.
Last reason is parents have experience in their life. It can help parents to educate their children carefully, because they had passed a lot of experience which was bad and good. When they were young like their children, of course, they also experienced a lot of moments to get many things. It can be good or bad things. But in different condition, when they have been parents, their experience will become thing which can be used as standard how they ascertain good or bad for something. For instance, when parents had ever been young and they were growing up to be adult, it is certain that they experienced many moments and got many things because of that. One example, that is, when parents had experienced that smoking was not good for health but they did it at that time, and they have got impact of that, so, they will tell to the children that smoking is dangerous for health and they will not leave their children smoking or be a smoker. It is ascertained from the experience. So parents’ experience will be something which is important to learn how to choose good things without doing mistakes.
Many reasons can explain that parents know what is the best for their children. There is because parents have the natural affection, they have strong intuition, they think that children are important and one important reason, it is because they have experience in their life. Its all can be reasons which can prove why parents know what is the best for their children.


Difference of Men and Women’s Brain

God creates human in the world, they are men and women. Men and women are human, but I think, they have difference. What is different of them is their brain.

The brain of men and women is different. Basically, there are some differences of men and women’s brain, that is, spatial difference, verbal difference, and difference of memory. First, about spatial difference, men’s brain has inclination developing and having spatial which is more complex, it is like mechanical scheme, or like ascertainment of abstract direction. Second, verbal difference, part of cortex of men’s brain is more used to do spatial functions, it will cause inclination to give little portion to part of cortex producing and using the words. So, men usually use 7000 words in day. Third, when talking about the difference of memory, it will talk about how men can memorize something or remember about something. Because hippocampus (central memory) of men is smaller, it will make men cannot remember detailed all things. Generally, men’s brain is systematic, they have high ability to combine everything, to control emotion, to have high orientation in working, they act something at first then they will think for that. They also have response which is aggressive to the risk, and they have inclination to compete with another men. If we look from the way of men gives information when they talk to everyone, they will talk directly and use literal words. In condition, men’s conversation also have inclination to the facts.

On the other hand, women is more different than men, from some difference, first, women’s brain is less to develop, it causes their spatial is not complex, and it impact on their thinking, they are usually difficult to do mechanical scheme, or like ascertainment of abstract direction. Second, if it is looked from verbal difference, women’s brain can balance using spatial functions and give same portion of part of cortex to produce and use the words. So, women can use 20.000 words in day. Third, the difference of memory, hippocampus of women is bigger than men, it causes women can use many words in day. Besides that, women’s brain have high empathy, they have low ability to combine something, to control emotion, and they will use feeling to feel something before they do it. Similarly, they will do everything carefully, because they do not want to get many risks due to their act. Women also like to cooperate with another women to do something. When they have problem, women will need someone else to share it, because women like to tell their problem as process of their thinking. In the same way, when women want to tell something to someone, usually, they will use figurative words. They do not like to talk directly like men.

The reason why men and women’s brain is different, it is because they have some differences in it. Some differences are spatial difference, verbal difference, and the difference of memory. It is base of the difference which makes men and women will be always different and it can affect them, like how they think about something, they act to do something, or how they can feel something in every condition.

Yusanthiya_Essay (rev 1)

Difference of Men and Women’s Brain

God creates human in the world, they are men and women. Men and women are human, but I think, they have difference. What is different of them is their brain.
The brain of men and women is different. Basically, there are some differences of men and women’s brain, that is, spatial difference, verbal difference, and difference of memory. First, about spatial difference, men’s brain has inclination developing and having spatial which is more complex, it is like mechanical scheme, or like ascertainment of abstract direction. Second, verbal difference, part of cortex of men’s brain is more used to do spatial functions, it will cause inclination to give little portion to part of cortex producing and using the words. So, men usually use 7000 words in day. Third, when talking about the difference of memory, it will talk about how men can memorize something or remember about something. Because hippocampus (central memory) of men is smaller, it will make men cannot remember detailed all things. Generally, men’s brain is systematic, they have high ability to combine everything, to control emotion, to have high orientation in working, they act something at first then they will think for that. They also have response which is aggressive to the risk, and they have inclination to compete with another men. If we look from the way of men gives information when they talk to everyone, they will talk directly and use literal words. In condition, men’s conversation also have inclination to the facts.
On the other hand, women is more different than men, from some difference, first, women’s brain is less to develop, it causes their spatial is not complex, and it impact on their thinking, they are usually difficult to do mechanical scheme, or like ascertainment of abstract direction. Second, if it is looked from verbal difference, women’s brain can balance using spatial functions and give same portion of part of cortex to produce and use the words. So, women can use 20.000 words in day. Third, the difference of memory, hippocampus of women is bigger than men, it causes women can use many words in day. Besides that, women’s brain have high empathy, they have low ability to combine something, to control emotion, and they will use feeling to feel something before they do it. Similarly, they will do everything carefully, because they do not want to get many risks due to their act. Women also like to cooperate with another women to do something. When they have problem, women will need someone else to share it, because women like to tell their problem as process of their thinking. In the same way, when women want to tell something to someone, usually, they will use figurative words. They do not like to talk directly like men.
The reason why men and women’s brain is different, it is because they have some differences in it. Some differences are spatial difference, verbal difference, and the difference of memory. It is base of the difference which makes men and women will be always different and it can affect them, like how they think about something, they act to do something, or how they can feel something in every condition.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Draft Essay – Siti Khoiri Inayah

Draft Essay – Siti Khoiri Inayah
Everyone should be re-arranged to make a better list for their activities. In order to become dicipline..Managing the time is very important for us, especially for children. Many activites their have,sometimes makes their confused, how to manage the time. They often repeatedly ask, How the way to manage a good time? Is it get the good impact? What is the reasons that a children should be allowed their time?
The children needs an attention time to do their activities, especially from their parents. To begin with, manage the time. Although if we as the parent, we can easly manage their time from a little way in order to become independent. Because of independent is very important for ours, in particular for children. To become an independent children , they should be accustomed them selves such as : ( they can wake up in the early by them selves, they can do their activities by them selves, e.t.c.) . All of it without parent. So that, it is one of the first step to become their understood about how the first way to manage their time from that given above.
All of activities will be finish if the children can be manage their time better. Besides an independent, there are some benefits of it such as : ( to make children become dicipline and to make children concsious of their responsibility. As we know that many children who is wastes their time just for something is not important. They can be a success person if they want to arrange their time and many opportunity for get the good future.
Dicipline in chidren’s daily activity is many benefit, such as : ( they can go to school on time, they can do all of their homework on time, they can dicipline in their commune, and they can dicipline in their house and surroundings . Moreover, nothing another human who feels that benefit but rather is children it selves. Whereas the influence about responsibility for children are they can responsible for them selves, they can responsible for their schedule, they can responsible for activities.
That is about manage the time for childen. Many parents should be helping for their childen to manage their time everywhere and anywhere. So that children got into the habit of manage the time. That is how the importance children should be allowed to manage their time.

Siti Khoiri Inayah Review

Siti Khoiri Inayah Review
Title : Genre
An author : Otong Setiawan Djuharie
Pages : 174
Publisher Year : 2007
Publisher : CV. YRAMA WIDYA
Thick : 18 x 25 cm

This book is based Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC). This book is suitable for use in schools and in this book explores the ins and outs of many genres in various ways, and equipped the examples and exercises in English. Other than that this book presents 700 questions related to the genre. So that you can apply it into your understanding in the form of matter. This is shows that besides being a tool to examine the genre, this book can also be used as a place of contemplationwill measure your mastery of the genre applications.

This book includes a complete category, but this book is not suitable for beginners who want to learn English. because the subject is less understood by the beginner, so could not assist and facilitate their learning process.
Not like a book users who already understand or proficient in English, this book might just be a distraction to read and just solidify skill to jump into the subject of genres and enables them to hone their ability in the presence of the exercises in this book.
Comment : Unfortunately again in this book does not list the author's biography, just the name of the author alone. while people sometimes want to know who the author so they can know him.