Why do Parents Know What Is The Best for Their Chidren ?
Do you know that parents always know what is the best for their children ? Actually, we know that every parents have the natural affection for their children. So, they will know and feel what is the best for their children. Besides that, they have strong intuition to them. And then, its intuition which makes parents know about the best thing for their children. Another reasons can be said because of their pure love and pure love which makes parents feel that children are important for their life. When they think that children are important, so it makes them thinking carefully and believe their intuition. Another thing is parents have experience in their life. That is why parents always know the best thing for their children.
Generally, a lot of reasons can prove that parents will know what is the best for their children. First reason is parents have the natural affection for their children. Their affection is something special which is shown just for their children, and it also makes parents to know how the way to take care them with love. Parents take care their children, since they were born. It will be natural because every parents have the affection to the children, although sometimes not all parents have the affection to them. Especially for a mother, when an infant is born, she will take care her infant with love, it can be shown when a mother gives her infant milk breast. It is proof of affection of parents to children. Besides that, when parents have children, they will take care them carefully. They will not leave them to grow up badly. How they can take care their children, it can be shown when parents never forget to give the rule for them, to discipline. Parents will educate them to know their God, to live in society, and to be a good person for everyone. Every parents do not want if their children grow up to be bad person, and because they have natural affection which it makes parents knowing the way to take care their children. Due to the fact that parents have the natural affection, they also will always help their children everytime if they can do it. Parents will try to do everything only for their children. They do not care if it is things which are bad or difficult to do. For example, when a child needs something like toys, parents will look for it and buy it just for their child or when a son/daughter cannot do his/her assignment, parents will help him/her to finish it.
Second reason is parents have strong intuition. Parents can know what is the best for their children by their intuition, because they believe that their intuition can make their children’s life better. Sometimes, parents’ intuitions are real, when parents’ intuition have effect for children’s life. It also can avoid them of bad things. It is natural, because every parents will use their feeling or intuition to feel what is the best for their children, and it will be real in some condition. How their intuition can have effect to children’s life is parents will believe their intuition to feel what is the best for them. One example of it, when parents have intuition, it will be done with affection also. They will think that what they think and feel will be right for them, without they care how children think about that, it is like an actress (Arumi). She went out from her house because she thinks that her parents is over protective to her. She does not feel comfort, but in any case, parents think that they are right. It has happened because Arumi loves someone, but her parents does not agree with her love. Parents think that Arumi’s soulmate is not good boy, so, parents ban Arumi to have relation with him. Arumi’s parents only want she leaves him and lives better without him. Arumi does not want to do it, so she went out from her house just because she wants to show that she does not agree with them. What has happened with Arumi, it shows that parents have intuition to ascertain what is the best for their children, although their children think different. It can be right or wrong. It depends on condition.
Third reason is parents think that their children are important for their life. This is one reason which is very natural of people. When people have been parents and they had children, then they will think that the children is everything for them. Someone who can live to continue the generation of family is children. So they will think that children are their future, and they are also their life.
Last reason is parents have experience in their life. It can help parents to educate their children carefully, because they had passed a lot of experience which was bad and good. When they were young like their children, of course, they also experienced a lot of moments to get many things. It can be good or bad things. But in different condition, when they have been parents, their experience will become thing which can be used as standard how they ascertain good or bad for something. For instance, when parents had ever been young and they were growing up to be adult, it is certain that they experienced many moments and got many things because of that. One example, that is, when parents had experienced that smoking was not good for health but they did it at that time, and they have got impact of that, so, they will tell to the children that smoking is dangerous for health and they will not leave their children smoking or be a smoker. It is ascertained from the experience. So parents’ experience will be something which is important to learn how to choose good things without doing mistakes.
Many reasons can explain that parents know what is the best for their children. There is because parents have the natural affection, they have strong intuition, they think that children are important and one important reason, it is because they have experience in their life. Its all can be reasons which can prove why parents know what is the best for their children.