Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

theoretical foundation_TYAS SAMESTI

Definition of Literature

If you hear the word "literature", people tend to think that literature is a collection of writings or words that make up a beautiful rhythm. But actually since ancient literature can not be defined with certainty. It is difficult to give the sense that then limited the scope of literature. Literature is not just the writing that is imaginary; the things that are factual can be categorized as literary. Therefore, the literature is not likely to be defined exactly, because literature is not an exact science which should have an absolute sense, like 1 +1 in mathematics must have been 2. Each person freely defines literature according to their respective capacities.
Personally I see a work of literature as a text that has certain criteria that distinguishes it from other text types. Literature is the text that uses style allusion, aesthetic value and form of writing imaginative author. But in fact further into doubt the nature of imaginative literature. Because literature is not simply that imaginative writing.
The formalists also have its own understanding of the definition of literature. At first they saw a work of literature as an arbitrary set of tools. This means that the literature only as a tool that can be freely used and not tied to the concept. There is no rule that surrounds a work of literature. Then the "tools" are seen as elements that are connected and related to one another in the overall textual context.
But one thing is for sure from a literary work is a form of writing or text. Text is the most fundamental essence of a literary work, because his own literary form of the text or writings. But the difference between the texts in a literary work with text on another text that is in the perspective of aesthetics. A literary work is a text that has a high aesthetic value. Not just any writing can be called a work of literature. However, the aesthetic value is different for each person. It is fine if someone saw a bulletin board as a literary work, as long as he sees the aesthetic elements contained in the notice board. Besides, she might actually interpret these bulletin boards like a work of literature. It might just happen.
It could not be separated from the point of view that is used when the meaning of a work. Because literature is not an absolute science, or even certain, then the point of view that is used too subjective. Aesthetic values embodied in a work it all back to the reader, whether the reader finds the aesthetic value of a text, or was he only saw the text as plain text in general. Readers or any criticism must have an assessment and opinion of each of which may be different from each other, depending on the educational background of knowledge.
But one thing to note, subjectivity is not to assess the text just spiked and see the author let alone his position. Subjectivity we addressed in literature and only in such literary works, not even see who authored the text. Do not let there be an official writing a literary work since seeing his position, not reviewed in advance aesthetics values contained in the work. Do not let the case of Shakespeare's works are rendered useless repetition. Shakespeare is considered as a writer known for his empire who raised his name, not his own. His works were considered only as a literary text that is not valuable. Such disputes should not be repeated in the modern literary scene.
Although we use the subjectivity in judging a work, it would be much better if we use an objective approach when assessing a work.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Sastra. (Bandung: Angkasa,1984).
Ratna, Nyoman Kutha.Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2008).
Eagleton, Terry. Teori Sastra. (Jakarta: Jala Sutra, 2007).
Teeuw, A. Sastera dan Ilmu Sastera. (Bandung: PT Kiblat Buku Utama, 2003)

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