Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Sri mahasiwi Immawati^^


The rampant crime and bombs are now starting to cause anxiety among the citizens, especially for government .These events, of course, bring forth new ideas on how to anticipate it intensively. Recently, The Legislative Assembly proposed the idea of the intelligence bill to get over the issues that always being a solicitudes.

This bill gets the spotlight because it set a crucial issue, authority to arrest and wiretapping by the National Intelligence Agency (BIN). Some also questioned the authority of this party. Furthermore it causing the controversial talking about the rule of the intelligent’s itself.

The government insists that deliberation on this bill for intelligence agencies have the authority to arrest. Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro give a reason why this should be regulated in the bill. "Now this is very difficult once we suppose something happened. The bomb exploded instance, we could not catch it before it happened, because there are no rules," said Purnomo Yusgiantoro at the Presidential Office.

During this time, according to Purnomo, the arrest of the perpetrators can only be done when the event has occurred.This is the background which is the reason the entry points of arrest powers in the Intelligence bill.
On the other hand a number of parties expressed concern if the bill passed as the government's intelligence which regulate wiretapping authority and arrest by the NIA. Previously, non-governmental organizations Imparsial said the bill was to be scrutinized.The reason is, it's possible this could be used for business or economic interests of certain groups, even to spy on the activities of political opponents.

According to those opinions, I myself prefer non-governmental organizations Imparsial’s opinion to the Yusgiantoro’s opinion. Essentially the intelligent shouldn’t be worked under the BIN’s authority, due to it could be used for behalf of certain groups.

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