Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Yusanthiya Windhianita_Theoretical Foundation



Freud Sigmund’s theory, it says that in human being, it has been divided to be three parts, those are id, ego, and super-ego. Three parts in human being work normally and balance, and it will show character of human being that is normal. But it will not normal if one of them more dominate. When one of them is more dominate, it will make struggle of soul in human being it self. Its signs are like anxious, nervous, stressful and etc. In Freud Sigmund’s theory also says about id, ego and super-ego. Id is part of human being that has pattern about unconscious. Id contains energy, instinct, and libido, and it is important things as natural behavior of human being. It is like primitive behavior of human being, because it works according to happiness principle. For example, usually children always want what they want without thinking condition or situation, and they will be forcer for things which they want. It happens because they are in id, or happiness principle. Second, it is ego. Ego develops from id, when human being leaves their moment when they are a child as response to reality. Ego is conscious and rational. When id in human being cannot be filled, ego will work. Ego works with reality’s principle. When id want to get something but we do not have much money to buy it, ego will work, and ego will not fill it. Third, super-ego. Super-ego rises because of social aspect. Super-ego rises as control of id, and super-ego will control id if id is not according to morality of society, and it works with ideality’s principle.

So, if we relate to character, we can learn about its physiology, and it relates with id, ego, and super-ego where those things have relation which is important to understand about character itself in a story. We can learn about character from id, ego and super-ego, and it will be easy, because we can classify into those parts. For understanding theory about physiology which relates with character in literature, not only Freud Sigmund’ theory but Carl Gustav Jung also has theory which explains about physiology and it can relate to learn character in literature. In Carl’s theory of physiology, it says that unconscious is not like instinct, libido, but it is more spiritual. Freud says that in human being, it is classified into id, ego, and super-ego and in Carl’s theory, ‘ego’ in Freud Sigmund is ‘counter-ego’ in Carl’s theory. If Freud says that ego is control of id, so Carl says that counter-ego is control for ego where counter-ego will refuse what thought wants. Carl explains in his concept that physiology is something to learn about human being thought, and what they feels and it relates with dream. Actually, Carl explains that counter-ego is affected by dream. Every thought in human being will be affected by dream because dream is something which limits between conscious and unconscious.

From what is written down about Freud’s Theory and Carl’s theory for understanding of character in literature, the writer tends having same opinion with Freud’s theory, because Freud’s theory is more logic. Freud divides into three parts like id, ego, and super-ego without it is affected by dream, and it is more showing about reality.

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