Adult have some advantage on education. Adult learners often know exactly what they need to learn. Because they have experience of life, they know what knowledge will be useful to them and what will not. If they cannot read or write, they have experienced the problems caused by illiteracy. If they cannot do their job well, they have experienced the loss of income or of job opportunities caused by lack of vocational training. Adults have usually accumulated a wealth of experience of life in general that can help them in learning. They have more practical, everyday experience that help them understand what they learn in school.
Feng Lian, for example, is a textile plant supervisor in Shanghai, China. She graduated from secondary school, but she didn’t learn much in school about electricity and how it is used in factories. Now she must supervise the electrical system in the factory, and she has to know a lot about electrical transmission systems. She is going to night class that will teach her what she needs to know. She already has many questions about the subject and is ready and eager to learn. If she does succeed in her night class, she can get an even better job.
Michael Johnson owns a small construction business in California. Like many other U.S citizens, he did not really learn to read and write in school and dropped out of school when he was fourteen years old. Michael was smart, and he was good at building things and at using machines. He was very successful as a construction worker and eventually started his own business. His wife helped him read and write what he needed, and he learned how to hide his inability from others. Finally, at the age of thirty-eight, Michael is going back to school to a special program to learn how to read and write. He is learning very quickly, partly because he is smart and partly because he knows how important reading and writing are to his work.
Summary :
Because of experience of life, adult have some advantages on education. It makes adults know what knowledge which is useful or not. If they cannot read or write, they have experienced about illiteracy. If they cannot do their job well, they have experienced the loss of income or of job opportunities. Adults accumulate a wealth of experience of life where it can help them in learning. Their experience helps them understanding what they learn in school. Feng Lian, for example, She is a textile plant supervisor. For the first time, she did not know about electrical transmission system. But she has to get better job, so she is going to night class to learn it. another example, Michael Johnson, he was successful as a construction business in California, because he was good at building things and at using machines. Unfortunately, he really learn about reading and writing. Because reading and writing are important, he is going back to school to a special program learning how to read and write.
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