Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Chart_Yusanthiya Windhianita

The result of analysis by using method of physiology ‘Sigmund Freud’ in short story of ‘The Egg’ by Sherwood Anderson, student in SMAN 1 Sukaasih was not more understanding about method of physiology when they analyzed a short story by Sherwood Anderson. 40 % student was difficult understanding method of physiology. They just related its method to a short story without using its method. They just made a conclusion of the story and they made note about its method then from their note about it, they tried to give relation to short story. 30 % student analyzed a short story without using method of physiology ‘Sigmund Freud’, they only use their method about physiology. Then, 20 % student thought that method of physiology ‘Sigmund Freud’, is difficult if it was related to literature, especially for analysis of short story. So, they did not use its method. On the other hand, 10 % student understood how to relate its method with the short story, and they analyzed by using method of physiology ‘Sigmund Freud. They related it to character of the story. They also gave explanation for their analysis in short story ‘The Egg’ by Sherwood Anderson.

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