Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

chart_Siti Nurohmah


Percentage of Predilection of E Class Student in Analyzing Kind of Literary Works

From this chart, the writer can explain predilection of E class students from second grade of English Department of State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung as the object of this research. Based on the data in the chart, the writer can show that those who prefer analyzing poem than short stories and novels are presented as many as 15 %, who prefer analyzing short stories than poem and novels are presented as many as 55%, and who prefer analyzing novels than poem and short stories are presented as many as 30%. Percentages of those who prefer analyzing poem are less than those who prefer analyzing short stories and novels. Generally almost of them do not choose analyzing poem because in analyzing them is needed more concentration to interpret and analyze them. It is because there are a lot of probabilities of meaning and interpretation from every symbol in the poem. It is felt difficult enough to be understood than interpret the symbol of the short stories and novel, whereas those who prefer analyzing short stories are more than they who prefer analyzing poem and novels. They have reason that the meaning of them can be analyzed easier relatively than the poem’s because they have more words as clue to be analyzed until the meaning can be revealed and they are not as long as like novel that need longer time to be analyzed because they have more symbol than short stories.
Thus from this chart, the writer conclude that E class students from second of English Department of State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung are prefer analyzing the short stories than analyzing poem and novels.

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