Summary of the text no.2
What will a man be like in the future? A man will be like these in the future. A man will continue to grow taller five hundred years after. And then, his eyes will grow stronger over a very long period of time. After that, his arms and legs are likely to grow weaker in a modern life. His hair doesn’t serve a useful purpose any longer in the future. So, a man will still have a lot of common with us. He will still be human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
Tyas Samesti_Chart
Language Acquisition
Chronology of language development
month Receptive skill Expressive skill
0-3 Recognize human voice Reflex human
3-6 Learn to distinguish affection from scolding Babbling begins
6-9 Response to simple words “as a smile” Increasing variety of sound and reduplication or echoic response
9-12 Response to simple commands Uses first word
12-18 Increasing response to more complicated sentence Twenty words
This is a table about chronology of language development which children start understands about a language. For the first step 0-3 month normally children in the world can recognize human voice and give reflex human. Then 3-6 month they learn to distinguish affection from scolding and babbling begins. They response to simple word, they increasing variety of sound and reduplication or echoic response in 6-9 month. They response to simple command and uses first word for example say “daddy” in 9-12 month. For the next step baby in 12-18 month increasing response to more complicated sentence and twenty words.
Chronology of language development
month Receptive skill Expressive skill
0-3 Recognize human voice Reflex human
3-6 Learn to distinguish affection from scolding Babbling begins
6-9 Response to simple words “as a smile” Increasing variety of sound and reduplication or echoic response
9-12 Response to simple commands Uses first word
12-18 Increasing response to more complicated sentence Twenty words
This is a table about chronology of language development which children start understands about a language. For the first step 0-3 month normally children in the world can recognize human voice and give reflex human. Then 3-6 month they learn to distinguish affection from scolding and babbling begins. They response to simple word, they increasing variety of sound and reduplication or echoic response in 6-9 month. They response to simple command and uses first word for example say “daddy” in 9-12 month. For the next step baby in 12-18 month increasing response to more complicated sentence and twenty words.
Jumat, 20 Mei 2011
From that chart, the writer explain about Apple's iPhone business, represents a whopping 40% of the company's revenue, and has been the company's biggest revenue generator for three quarters in a row. During the March quarter, iPhone revenue grew 124% from year to year to $5.4 billion, or 40% of Apple's $13.5 billion in total revenue. Because of high profit margins on the iPhone. Apple's second biggest business is its Mac computer division, which grew 27% from year to year in the March quarter to $3.8 billion, or 28% of Apple's overall sales.
From that chart, the writer explain about Apple's iPhone business, represents a whopping 40% of the company's revenue, and has been the company's biggest revenue generator for three quarters in a row. During the March quarter, iPhone revenue grew 124% from year to year to $5.4 billion, or 40% of Apple's $13.5 billion in total revenue. Because of high profit margins on the iPhone. Apple's second biggest business is its Mac computer division, which grew 27% from year to year in the March quarter to $3.8 billion, or 28% of Apple's overall sales.
Video shows dramatic footage of lightning striking jet above Heathrow airport
By Chris Lehmann
If the best you can do when you're caught between the moon and New York City is fall in love as the treacle eighties pop song had it. it seems safe to say that among the worst experiences you can have in a plane awaiting clearance to land at a major airport is to be struck by lightning. In a video filmed as ominous storm clouds gathered in the skies near London's Heathrow Airport, photographer Chris Dawson captured the dramatic spectacle of a bolt of lightning shooting through a Dubai-based Emirates Airbus 380 flight as it prepared for its descent. Dawson shot the video last month, but it has only recently surfaced in public.
"I saw the storm clouds gathering, and I thought conditions would be perfect for a lightning strike," Dawson told the UK Daily Mail.
Astonishingly, the 500 passengers on the plane landed on the ground without incident. But as David Lear mount of the air safety website Flight global explained to the Daily Mail, these incidents are fairly routine for airlines. "Planes get hit by lightning several times a year," Lear mount said. 'They act as a conductor. Getting a good strike like this can look very dramatic but it might not make any impact. The plane's body must contain metal so it can act as a conductor, allowing the electricity to pass through it. If it didn't have the metal, the plane could explode when hit."
In this article give information for us that Photographer Chris Dawson captured the dramatic spectacle of a bolt of lightning shooting through a Dubai based Emirates Airbus 380 flight as it prepared for its descent. Astonishingly, the 500 passengers on the plane landed on the ground without incident. But as David Lear mount of the air safety website Flight global explained to the Daily Mail, these incidents are fairly routine for airlines. Lear mount said that "Planes get hit by lightning several times a year". Getting a good strike like this can look very dramatic but it might not make any impact. The plane's body must contain metal so it can act as a conductor, allowing the electricity to pass through it. If it didn't have the metal, the plane could explode when hit."
By Chris Lehmann
If the best you can do when you're caught between the moon and New York City is fall in love as the treacle eighties pop song had it. it seems safe to say that among the worst experiences you can have in a plane awaiting clearance to land at a major airport is to be struck by lightning. In a video filmed as ominous storm clouds gathered in the skies near London's Heathrow Airport, photographer Chris Dawson captured the dramatic spectacle of a bolt of lightning shooting through a Dubai-based Emirates Airbus 380 flight as it prepared for its descent. Dawson shot the video last month, but it has only recently surfaced in public.
"I saw the storm clouds gathering, and I thought conditions would be perfect for a lightning strike," Dawson told the UK Daily Mail.
Astonishingly, the 500 passengers on the plane landed on the ground without incident. But as David Lear mount of the air safety website Flight global explained to the Daily Mail, these incidents are fairly routine for airlines. "Planes get hit by lightning several times a year," Lear mount said. 'They act as a conductor. Getting a good strike like this can look very dramatic but it might not make any impact. The plane's body must contain metal so it can act as a conductor, allowing the electricity to pass through it. If it didn't have the metal, the plane could explode when hit."
In this article give information for us that Photographer Chris Dawson captured the dramatic spectacle of a bolt of lightning shooting through a Dubai based Emirates Airbus 380 flight as it prepared for its descent. Astonishingly, the 500 passengers on the plane landed on the ground without incident. But as David Lear mount of the air safety website Flight global explained to the Daily Mail, these incidents are fairly routine for airlines. Lear mount said that "Planes get hit by lightning several times a year". Getting a good strike like this can look very dramatic but it might not make any impact. The plane's body must contain metal so it can act as a conductor, allowing the electricity to pass through it. If it didn't have the metal, the plane could explode when hit."
Kamis, 19 Mei 2011
Summary_Santi Ramdhani
Environment’s Change
Day by day, throughout history man has changed the physical environment of this earth. Man changed it with the way of technology. He has transformed woodlands, prairies, lakes, rivers, and also mountains to the new forms such as farmland, irrigation, roads and railways. But those all did not make the benefit. In developing those transforms into the modern, there are some disadvantage which is appear. For example is the pollution. And the pollution of air and water has make danger the health of this planet. The pollution of gasses of motorcycle, industrial areas, and surrounding areas of the countryside becomes unhealthy. And also the pollution in the sea is equally harmful because those could make so many fishes died. So, the conservationists believe that it is so important for man to limit the growth of technology so that the earth can survive.
Day by day, throughout history man has changed the physical environment of this earth. Man changed it with the way of technology. He has transformed woodlands, prairies, lakes, rivers, and also mountains to the new forms such as farmland, irrigation, roads and railways. But those all did not make the benefit. In developing those transforms into the modern, there are some disadvantage which is appear. For example is the pollution. And the pollution of air and water has make danger the health of this planet. The pollution of gasses of motorcycle, industrial areas, and surrounding areas of the countryside becomes unhealthy. And also the pollution in the sea is equally harmful because those could make so many fishes died. So, the conservationists believe that it is so important for man to limit the growth of technology so that the earth can survive.
revision of previous summary_Siti Nurohmah
setting by: Jo Anne Fontanilla
Every story takes place at same point or points in space and in time. It is incumbent upon the writer of fiction to "place" his story in space and time, as early as possible in his narrative, so that you will begin making the proper associations with the setting. The setting also presents a share of technical difficulties, but most novelists embrace them gladly. The novel is a prose form and emphasizes realism: its style ought to be, for the most part, terse and transparently plain. Whatever poetic impulse the novelist may have is
likely to be frustrated: only the setting provides him an outlet for it; for in his descriptive writing he is allowed to express his feeling for beauty and create a scene in lavish hues, if he wishes.
The degree of elaboration with which setting is depicted depends upon a number of considerations, all of which the astute writer keeps in mind. Perhaps the first consideration is the importance of the setting in relation to the other essential elements in the story---plot and character. In some stories--- especially contemporary stories that takes place in surroundings that are familiar to most readers--- the element of setting can be safely minimize. The particular setting, moreover, is not indispensable to the conversation that constitutes the body of the story, although the weather not only furnishes its title but also points symbolically to the problem raised by the slightly developed plot.
Another consideration for the conscientious writer is the probable familiarity of his setting. If the setting is one that is likely to be familiar to most of his readers, the writer need to depict it in detail; he may assume that the details he selects will give his readers that pleasure of recognition that is one of the special values of familiar material. For example, although millions of Americans have never visited Coney Island, most of them are so well acquainted with the appearance and nature of the resort that the writer
using this setting in a story for an American audience need feel no compulsion to present this particular setting elaborately.
With a setting that is remote from most readers not only in space but also in time, a different problem arises. A writer may safely assume that contemporary London will be much more familiar to most of his readers than Elizabethan or eighteenth-century London. If his story takes place in either earlier period, the writer will have to build up his setting out of appropriate details. Such a treatment involves information concerning the houses, the costumes, the manners, and the types of work and play characteristic of the
period. Since the development of literary realism, readers become increasingly critical of the accuracy of historic settings, and the contemporary writer runs the risk of annoying his readers if he indulges in such conspicuous anachronism as the Elizabethan audience allowed its dramatist when they used settings remote in time and place. In the use of settings much less familiar than New York or London---such as ancient Persia or medieval India---the contemporary writer may content himself with a minimum of specific details---so long as the details he chooses and emphasizes are appropriate---since every few of his readers are in a position to challenge the historical accuracy of such details as he offers.
Finally, the treatment of setting, like the treatment of character, will depend on the mode in which the writer is working, whether it is classical, romantic, or realistic. What we have said concerning character in this connection is equally true of setting. In classical stories---in Samuel Johnson's Rasselas or Voltaire's Candide, for instance---the setting is usually sketched in broadly. In romantic stories there is a greater attention to detail, the writer may fall back on elements in setting that have been accumulated by generations of romance writers. The Romantic Age brought in a passionate sense of identification with nature, and the idealization of it. It is soon reflected in the novel. In realistic stories, the writer must consider seriously the accuracy and fullness of his details, since it is one of the tenets of realism that setting should be depicted with a high degree of circumstantiality. Faithful adherence to this tenet resulted in the development, in the middle and later nineteenth-century.
The most richly regional story in this collection is Faulkner's "Was," and the very detailed presentation of setting, atmosphere, and manners is justified not only because the place and the time of the story are unfamiliar even to most American readers, but also because the details are intrinsically
interesting and amusing.
In contemporary realism, however, the reader is likely to find a rather less circumstantial treatment of American settings than the realistic fiction of the nineteenth century. This less particularized treatment is due, on the one hand, to the writers assumption that readers have now become familiar with the flora and fauna of regional America and, on the other hand, to a change in the conception of the technique of effective description.
In the more expansive form of the novel, the writer may feel free to devote a proportionately greater amount of space to the depiction of setting in and by itself than the constricted form of the short story will permit.
Most authors' delight in turning out lengthy passages of description, "set pieces" with lavish strings of adjectives. However, by now that belongs to a past fashion. Today's readers are impatient and skip solid pages or even paragraphs that do not advance the story. It is best to insert description as unobtrusively as possible, an image here, and the next---after dialogue, or a bit or scatter his pictures of the physical background, just as a dramatist artfully handles his "exposition."
Percy Lubbock observes that paring a novel bare of most detail is occasionally good, but not very often. The consensus is that the factual inventory can be carried too far, is it is by Hugh Walpole and Theodore Dreiser, who compile altogether too much insignificant data; but that is merely abuse of a method. Too few externals can also be an error. To most of us, clothes and houses are telling clues, and the novelist owes it to us to report how his characters dress, and vividly where and how they live. At the
same time, he fulfils his role in a larger degree as a social historian. But, besides this a professor Lathrop suggests, the setting has become ever more important in contemporary fiction, because we increasingly recognize a man's background as one of the factors that has shaped him. The active pressure of environment in forming personality is widely acknowledged now. "The setting is seen as a 'force'…The plot is often presented not as a thing in itself, but as something caused and conditional, possible and characteristic only in its milieu. Hence, the greater demand to have the setting authentic, realistic. A thin or inadequately studied setting is not acceptable today."
Ultimately, the kind and amount of background detail one likes in a book depends on its subject and aim, and no less on the temperament of the author and each reader.
Reading Fiction: A Method of Analysis with Selections for Study by Millett, Fred Benjamin ,Harper; New York 1950
The Art of Reading the Novel by Freund, Philip, Collier Books; New York 1965
According to Jo Anne, setting is the story takes place and time. When the readers know that, they can make sense between the story and setting. There are degrees in elaborating setting in the story. Those are:
1. The importance of the setting in relation to the other essential elements in the story---plot and character. Setting is also included in the problem that exists in symbols and develop plot.
2. The familiarity of setting. If it is familiar enough for the readers, it is not necessary to give the detail about it.
3. The writer has to give appropriate detail up to its period. It is about the accuracy of historical context.
The treatment of setting also depends on how the writer chooses the mode to describing it. For example, in classical stories, the setting usually is described broadly; in romantic stories, it really observe in detail; and in the realistic stories, it really focus on accuracy of detail.
Her advice to elaborate it is by inserting description up to necessary, an image, or little bit image of physical background. It is according to Percy Lubbock’s observation that giving the detail of setting in the story is good, but not very often. But beside that, a professor Lathrop suggest that in contemporary fiction, setting become more important because it can make personality of the character by the active pressure of it.
Finally, we can conclude that setting and giving detail of it depend on its subject and purpose.
Every story takes place at same point or points in space and in time. It is incumbent upon the writer of fiction to "place" his story in space and time, as early as possible in his narrative, so that you will begin making the proper associations with the setting. The setting also presents a share of technical difficulties, but most novelists embrace them gladly. The novel is a prose form and emphasizes realism: its style ought to be, for the most part, terse and transparently plain. Whatever poetic impulse the novelist may have is
likely to be frustrated: only the setting provides him an outlet for it; for in his descriptive writing he is allowed to express his feeling for beauty and create a scene in lavish hues, if he wishes.
The degree of elaboration with which setting is depicted depends upon a number of considerations, all of which the astute writer keeps in mind. Perhaps the first consideration is the importance of the setting in relation to the other essential elements in the story---plot and character. In some stories--- especially contemporary stories that takes place in surroundings that are familiar to most readers--- the element of setting can be safely minimize. The particular setting, moreover, is not indispensable to the conversation that constitutes the body of the story, although the weather not only furnishes its title but also points symbolically to the problem raised by the slightly developed plot.
Another consideration for the conscientious writer is the probable familiarity of his setting. If the setting is one that is likely to be familiar to most of his readers, the writer need to depict it in detail; he may assume that the details he selects will give his readers that pleasure of recognition that is one of the special values of familiar material. For example, although millions of Americans have never visited Coney Island, most of them are so well acquainted with the appearance and nature of the resort that the writer
using this setting in a story for an American audience need feel no compulsion to present this particular setting elaborately.
With a setting that is remote from most readers not only in space but also in time, a different problem arises. A writer may safely assume that contemporary London will be much more familiar to most of his readers than Elizabethan or eighteenth-century London. If his story takes place in either earlier period, the writer will have to build up his setting out of appropriate details. Such a treatment involves information concerning the houses, the costumes, the manners, and the types of work and play characteristic of the
period. Since the development of literary realism, readers become increasingly critical of the accuracy of historic settings, and the contemporary writer runs the risk of annoying his readers if he indulges in such conspicuous anachronism as the Elizabethan audience allowed its dramatist when they used settings remote in time and place. In the use of settings much less familiar than New York or London---such as ancient Persia or medieval India---the contemporary writer may content himself with a minimum of specific details---so long as the details he chooses and emphasizes are appropriate---since every few of his readers are in a position to challenge the historical accuracy of such details as he offers.
Finally, the treatment of setting, like the treatment of character, will depend on the mode in which the writer is working, whether it is classical, romantic, or realistic. What we have said concerning character in this connection is equally true of setting. In classical stories---in Samuel Johnson's Rasselas or Voltaire's Candide, for instance---the setting is usually sketched in broadly. In romantic stories there is a greater attention to detail, the writer may fall back on elements in setting that have been accumulated by generations of romance writers. The Romantic Age brought in a passionate sense of identification with nature, and the idealization of it. It is soon reflected in the novel. In realistic stories, the writer must consider seriously the accuracy and fullness of his details, since it is one of the tenets of realism that setting should be depicted with a high degree of circumstantiality. Faithful adherence to this tenet resulted in the development, in the middle and later nineteenth-century.
The most richly regional story in this collection is Faulkner's "Was," and the very detailed presentation of setting, atmosphere, and manners is justified not only because the place and the time of the story are unfamiliar even to most American readers, but also because the details are intrinsically
interesting and amusing.
In contemporary realism, however, the reader is likely to find a rather less circumstantial treatment of American settings than the realistic fiction of the nineteenth century. This less particularized treatment is due, on the one hand, to the writers assumption that readers have now become familiar with the flora and fauna of regional America and, on the other hand, to a change in the conception of the technique of effective description.
In the more expansive form of the novel, the writer may feel free to devote a proportionately greater amount of space to the depiction of setting in and by itself than the constricted form of the short story will permit.
Most authors' delight in turning out lengthy passages of description, "set pieces" with lavish strings of adjectives. However, by now that belongs to a past fashion. Today's readers are impatient and skip solid pages or even paragraphs that do not advance the story. It is best to insert description as unobtrusively as possible, an image here, and the next---after dialogue, or a bit or scatter his pictures of the physical background, just as a dramatist artfully handles his "exposition."
Percy Lubbock observes that paring a novel bare of most detail is occasionally good, but not very often. The consensus is that the factual inventory can be carried too far, is it is by Hugh Walpole and Theodore Dreiser, who compile altogether too much insignificant data; but that is merely abuse of a method. Too few externals can also be an error. To most of us, clothes and houses are telling clues, and the novelist owes it to us to report how his characters dress, and vividly where and how they live. At the
same time, he fulfils his role in a larger degree as a social historian. But, besides this a professor Lathrop suggests, the setting has become ever more important in contemporary fiction, because we increasingly recognize a man's background as one of the factors that has shaped him. The active pressure of environment in forming personality is widely acknowledged now. "The setting is seen as a 'force'…The plot is often presented not as a thing in itself, but as something caused and conditional, possible and characteristic only in its milieu. Hence, the greater demand to have the setting authentic, realistic. A thin or inadequately studied setting is not acceptable today."
Ultimately, the kind and amount of background detail one likes in a book depends on its subject and aim, and no less on the temperament of the author and each reader.
Reading Fiction: A Method of Analysis with Selections for Study by Millett, Fred Benjamin ,Harper; New York 1950
The Art of Reading the Novel by Freund, Philip, Collier Books; New York 1965
According to Jo Anne, setting is the story takes place and time. When the readers know that, they can make sense between the story and setting. There are degrees in elaborating setting in the story. Those are:
1. The importance of the setting in relation to the other essential elements in the story---plot and character. Setting is also included in the problem that exists in symbols and develop plot.
2. The familiarity of setting. If it is familiar enough for the readers, it is not necessary to give the detail about it.
3. The writer has to give appropriate detail up to its period. It is about the accuracy of historical context.
The treatment of setting also depends on how the writer chooses the mode to describing it. For example, in classical stories, the setting usually is described broadly; in romantic stories, it really observe in detail; and in the realistic stories, it really focus on accuracy of detail.
Her advice to elaborate it is by inserting description up to necessary, an image, or little bit image of physical background. It is according to Percy Lubbock’s observation that giving the detail of setting in the story is good, but not very often. But beside that, a professor Lathrop suggest that in contemporary fiction, setting become more important because it can make personality of the character by the active pressure of it.
Finally, we can conclude that setting and giving detail of it depend on its subject and purpose.
summary no.5_Siti Nurohmah
5. Adults have some advantage on education. Adult learners often know exactly what they need to learn. Because they have experience of life, they know what knowledge will be useful to them and what will not. If they cannot read or write, they have experienced the problems caused by illiteracy. If they cannot do their job well, they have experienced the loss of income or of job opportunities caused by lack of vocational training. Adults have usually accumulated a wealth of experience of life in general that can help them in learning. They have more practical, everyday experiences that help them understand what they learn in school.
Feng Lian, for example, is a textile plant supervisor in Shanghai, China. She graduated from secondary school, but she didn’t learn much in school about electricity and how it is used in factories. Now she must supervise the electrical system in the factory, and she has to know a lot about electrical transmission systems. She is going to night class that will teach her what she needs to know. She already has many questions about the subject and is ready and eager to learn. If she does succeed in her night class, she can get an even better job.
Michael Johnson owns a small construction business in California. Like many other U.S citizens, he did not really learn to read and write in school and dropped out of school when he was fourteen years old. Michael was smart, and he was good at building things and at using machines. He was very successful as a construction worker and eventually started his own business. His wife helped him read and write what he needed, and he learned how to hide his inability from others. Finally, at the age of thirty-eight, Michael is going back to school to a special program to learn how to read and write. He is learning very quickly, partly because he is smart and partly because he knows how important reading and writing are to his work.
There are some advantages that are had by adults on education. Those are they really know what they need to learn because they have more life experiences, and they can more understand what they learn in school by practicing more. For examples, Feng Lian who is a textile plant supervisor in Shanghai and only graduated from secondary school, takes night class to get a lot about electrical transmission systems to get better job later and Michael Johnson who owns a small construction business in California and dropped out of school in fourteen years old, takes a special program to learn how to read and write because they are very important in his work.
Feng Lian, for example, is a textile plant supervisor in Shanghai, China. She graduated from secondary school, but she didn’t learn much in school about electricity and how it is used in factories. Now she must supervise the electrical system in the factory, and she has to know a lot about electrical transmission systems. She is going to night class that will teach her what she needs to know. She already has many questions about the subject and is ready and eager to learn. If she does succeed in her night class, she can get an even better job.
Michael Johnson owns a small construction business in California. Like many other U.S citizens, he did not really learn to read and write in school and dropped out of school when he was fourteen years old. Michael was smart, and he was good at building things and at using machines. He was very successful as a construction worker and eventually started his own business. His wife helped him read and write what he needed, and he learned how to hide his inability from others. Finally, at the age of thirty-eight, Michael is going back to school to a special program to learn how to read and write. He is learning very quickly, partly because he is smart and partly because he knows how important reading and writing are to his work.
There are some advantages that are had by adults on education. Those are they really know what they need to learn because they have more life experiences, and they can more understand what they learn in school by practicing more. For examples, Feng Lian who is a textile plant supervisor in Shanghai and only graduated from secondary school, takes night class to get a lot about electrical transmission systems to get better job later and Michael Johnson who owns a small construction business in California and dropped out of school in fourteen years old, takes a special program to learn how to read and write because they are very important in his work.
chart_Siti Nurohmah
Percentage of Predilection of E Class Student in Analyzing Kind of Literary Works
From this chart, the writer can explain predilection of E class students from second grade of English Department of State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung as the object of this research. Based on the data in the chart, the writer can show that those who prefer analyzing poem than short stories and novels are presented as many as 15 %, who prefer analyzing short stories than poem and novels are presented as many as 55%, and who prefer analyzing novels than poem and short stories are presented as many as 30%. Percentages of those who prefer analyzing poem are less than those who prefer analyzing short stories and novels. Generally almost of them do not choose analyzing poem because in analyzing them is needed more concentration to interpret and analyze them. It is because there are a lot of probabilities of meaning and interpretation from every symbol in the poem. It is felt difficult enough to be understood than interpret the symbol of the short stories and novel, whereas those who prefer analyzing short stories are more than they who prefer analyzing poem and novels. They have reason that the meaning of them can be analyzed easier relatively than the poem’s because they have more words as clue to be analyzed until the meaning can be revealed and they are not as long as like novel that need longer time to be analyzed because they have more symbol than short stories.
Thus from this chart, the writer conclude that E class students from second of English Department of State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung are prefer analyzing the short stories than analyzing poem and novels.
Percentage of Predilection of E Class Student in Analyzing Kind of Literary Works
From this chart, the writer can explain predilection of E class students from second grade of English Department of State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung as the object of this research. Based on the data in the chart, the writer can show that those who prefer analyzing poem than short stories and novels are presented as many as 15 %, who prefer analyzing short stories than poem and novels are presented as many as 55%, and who prefer analyzing novels than poem and short stories are presented as many as 30%. Percentages of those who prefer analyzing poem are less than those who prefer analyzing short stories and novels. Generally almost of them do not choose analyzing poem because in analyzing them is needed more concentration to interpret and analyze them. It is because there are a lot of probabilities of meaning and interpretation from every symbol in the poem. It is felt difficult enough to be understood than interpret the symbol of the short stories and novel, whereas those who prefer analyzing short stories are more than they who prefer analyzing poem and novels. They have reason that the meaning of them can be analyzed easier relatively than the poem’s because they have more words as clue to be analyzed until the meaning can be revealed and they are not as long as like novel that need longer time to be analyzed because they have more symbol than short stories.
Thus from this chart, the writer conclude that E class students from second of English Department of State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung are prefer analyzing the short stories than analyzing poem and novels.
Summary Point 5_Yusanthiya Windhianita
Adult have some advantage on education. Adult learners often know exactly what they need to learn. Because they have experience of life, they know what knowledge will be useful to them and what will not. If they cannot read or write, they have experienced the problems caused by illiteracy. If they cannot do their job well, they have experienced the loss of income or of job opportunities caused by lack of vocational training. Adults have usually accumulated a wealth of experience of life in general that can help them in learning. They have more practical, everyday experience that help them understand what they learn in school.
Feng Lian, for example, is a textile plant supervisor in Shanghai, China. She graduated from secondary school, but she didn’t learn much in school about electricity and how it is used in factories. Now she must supervise the electrical system in the factory, and she has to know a lot about electrical transmission systems. She is going to night class that will teach her what she needs to know. She already has many questions about the subject and is ready and eager to learn. If she does succeed in her night class, she can get an even better job.
Michael Johnson owns a small construction business in California. Like many other U.S citizens, he did not really learn to read and write in school and dropped out of school when he was fourteen years old. Michael was smart, and he was good at building things and at using machines. He was very successful as a construction worker and eventually started his own business. His wife helped him read and write what he needed, and he learned how to hide his inability from others. Finally, at the age of thirty-eight, Michael is going back to school to a special program to learn how to read and write. He is learning very quickly, partly because he is smart and partly because he knows how important reading and writing are to his work.
Summary :
Because of experience of life, adult have some advantages on education. It makes adults know what knowledge which is useful or not. If they cannot read or write, they have experienced about illiteracy. If they cannot do their job well, they have experienced the loss of income or of job opportunities. Adults accumulate a wealth of experience of life where it can help them in learning. Their experience helps them understanding what they learn in school. Feng Lian, for example, She is a textile plant supervisor. For the first time, she did not know about electrical transmission system. But she has to get better job, so she is going to night class to learn it. another example, Michael Johnson, he was successful as a construction business in California, because he was good at building things and at using machines. Unfortunately, he really learn about reading and writing. Because reading and writing are important, he is going back to school to a special program learning how to read and write.
Feng Lian, for example, is a textile plant supervisor in Shanghai, China. She graduated from secondary school, but she didn’t learn much in school about electricity and how it is used in factories. Now she must supervise the electrical system in the factory, and she has to know a lot about electrical transmission systems. She is going to night class that will teach her what she needs to know. She already has many questions about the subject and is ready and eager to learn. If she does succeed in her night class, she can get an even better job.
Michael Johnson owns a small construction business in California. Like many other U.S citizens, he did not really learn to read and write in school and dropped out of school when he was fourteen years old. Michael was smart, and he was good at building things and at using machines. He was very successful as a construction worker and eventually started his own business. His wife helped him read and write what he needed, and he learned how to hide his inability from others. Finally, at the age of thirty-eight, Michael is going back to school to a special program to learn how to read and write. He is learning very quickly, partly because he is smart and partly because he knows how important reading and writing are to his work.
Summary :
Because of experience of life, adult have some advantages on education. It makes adults know what knowledge which is useful or not. If they cannot read or write, they have experienced about illiteracy. If they cannot do their job well, they have experienced the loss of income or of job opportunities. Adults accumulate a wealth of experience of life where it can help them in learning. Their experience helps them understanding what they learn in school. Feng Lian, for example, She is a textile plant supervisor. For the first time, she did not know about electrical transmission system. But she has to get better job, so she is going to night class to learn it. another example, Michael Johnson, he was successful as a construction business in California, because he was good at building things and at using machines. Unfortunately, he really learn about reading and writing. Because reading and writing are important, he is going back to school to a special program learning how to read and write.
Chart_Yusanthiya Windhianita
The result of analysis by using method of physiology ‘Sigmund Freud’ in short story of ‘The Egg’ by Sherwood Anderson, student in SMAN 1 Sukaasih was not more understanding about method of physiology when they analyzed a short story by Sherwood Anderson. 40 % student was difficult understanding method of physiology. They just related its method to a short story without using its method. They just made a conclusion of the story and they made note about its method then from their note about it, they tried to give relation to short story. 30 % student analyzed a short story without using method of physiology ‘Sigmund Freud’, they only use their method about physiology. Then, 20 % student thought that method of physiology ‘Sigmund Freud’, is difficult if it was related to literature, especially for analysis of short story. So, they did not use its method. On the other hand, 10 % student understood how to relate its method with the short story, and they analyzed by using method of physiology ‘Sigmund Freud. They related it to character of the story. They also gave explanation for their analysis in short story ‘The Egg’ by Sherwood Anderson.
chart -yashinta pradina saputra-
Favorite Music Student in BSI

This chart reperesent favorite kind of music from the student in BSI UIN Bandung. The blue bar on the chart represent jazz music. There are 56 students in 2nd grade like music jazz. And then there are 77 students in 4th grade like music jazz. In the 6th grade there are 55 students like music jazz.
The red bar on the chart represent R’n B . There are 45 students in 2nd grade like R’nB. Then, 30 students in 4th grade like R’nB. There are 11 students in 6th grade like R’n B.
The green bar on the chart represent music pop. There are 55 students in 2nd grade like pop music. And then there are 12 students in 4th grade like pop music. There are 33 students in 6th grade like pop music.
So, most of students in 2nd , 4th , and 6th grade BSI in UIN bandung like jazz music.
summary no.4 -yashinta.pradina. saputra-
Summary :
Throughout human history has changed the physical environment tochange its way of life. Humans use technologies for it. However,changes to the environment does not always give good results. Asair and water pollution are also threatening the lives of beings onearth. Therefore, konsevasionis recommend that people realizethe importance of limiting the development of technology to surviveon earth.
Throughout human history has changed the physical environment tochange its way of life. Humans use technologies for it. However,changes to the environment does not always give good results. Asair and water pollution are also threatening the lives of beings onearth. Therefore, konsevasionis recommend that people realizethe importance of limiting the development of technology to surviveon earth.
Chart_Siska Hardiana Safitri
Coffee is a drink containing caffeine with a mildly stimulating effect that is made from the ground or processed seeds of a tropical tree (Encarta dictionaries). For those, coffee is a favorite drinking one because it can make someone become fresh when feeling sleepy. On the other hand, people say that coffee is bad because it is destructive and make our teeth become yellowish. Everyone has different opinion about consumption of coffee.
Satisfying my curiosity how many people in consuming coffee, I tried to make a research about that especially in students of Adab and Humanities Faculty. Finally, I got the result of every department in it. Bahasa Dan Sastra Arab (BSA) is 20 %. It is higher than Sejarah Peradaban Islam (SPI) which is 15 %. Terjemah Bahasa Arab (TBA) as equal as Terjemah Bahasa Inggris (TBI) is only 10 %. Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (BSI) is 45 %.
Based on data, the conclusion is BSI has the highest percentage. It means that most of BSI students like coffee than others.
Summary No.6_Siska Hardiana Safitri
The Hope Diamond- 44, 5 carat, is a diamond which is stolen from Hindu goddess, Sita. It is the largest blue diamond all over the world. Everyone who ever became owner this diamond got suffer in different tragic history. It is because the goddess cast the spell misfortune that got the gem. Because of many victims, the last owner of this diamond decided to donate it to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C.
Silvina Nugrahwati _ Summary No.4
4. Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. With the tools of technology he has altered many physical feature of the earth. He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farmlands and made lakes and reservoirs out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power. Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting mountains to build roads and railways.
However, man’s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is and increasing danger to the health of the planet. Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles; smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside. The air in cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.
The pollution of water is equally harmful. In the sea, pollution from oil is increasing and is killing enormous numbers of algae, fish, and birds. The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed. The same problem exists in rivers. Industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.
Conservationists believe that it is now necessary for man to limit the growth of technology in order to survive on earth.
Based on history, man change the environment to become more useful for life with technology, like making farmland, made lakes, reservoirs out of rivers, building roads and railways. Nevertheless, it also raised disadvantages, such as air pollution from vehicles, smoke from factories; and water pollution from oil industrial wastes in the sea and also in the river that danger the mortal and the earth. So, in other to survive on earth, it is important for us to limit the growth of technology.
However, man’s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is and increasing danger to the health of the planet. Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles; smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside. The air in cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.
The pollution of water is equally harmful. In the sea, pollution from oil is increasing and is killing enormous numbers of algae, fish, and birds. The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed. The same problem exists in rivers. Industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.
Conservationists believe that it is now necessary for man to limit the growth of technology in order to survive on earth.
Based on history, man change the environment to become more useful for life with technology, like making farmland, made lakes, reservoirs out of rivers, building roads and railways. Nevertheless, it also raised disadvantages, such as air pollution from vehicles, smoke from factories; and water pollution from oil industrial wastes in the sea and also in the river that danger the mortal and the earth. So, in other to survive on earth, it is important for us to limit the growth of technology.
Silvina Nugrahwati's Chart
From the result of giving 100 English Course at Kelvin English Course-Bandung, a poem titled “Do Not Go Gentle into That Goodnight” by Thomas Dylan and the questionnaire, 50 students knowing the meaning of each word fully though they did not understand the meaning of that poem and the symbols inside. Then, 32 students knew the meaning partly; they just knew some meaning of some words. Moreover, the 23th students understood the meaning of that poem; they could interpret the symbols inside that poem and united it became one understanding about the meaning inside it. In the other hand, 5 students knew nothing about the meaning of each words inside the poem and nor understood the meaning of its symbols.
Senin, 16 Mei 2011
summary no.3_TYAS SAMESTY
Positive and negative effects of Ultraviolet Light. The positive effect of ultraviolet light that can cure certain skin diseases, kills bacteria, detect counterfeit money, vitamin form, ultraviolet rays can also harm humans on several occasions. To the knowledge of all people, the direct effects of light on the eye for an excessive period of time can cause blindness, Although can cure certain skin diseases, ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer and ultraviolet rays from the sun has been classified as cancer-causing agent third most dangerous after alcohol and tobacco.
Ultraviolet light means the invisible part of spectrum beyond violet. This light has always been regarded as very useful because it is used to cure certain skin disease, kill bacteria, detect counterfeit money, form vitamins, etc.
Along with the increasing extensive use of computer in financial activities, ultraviolet light has been widely applied by banks to identify the signatures of their customers in passbooks. When a customer opens a new account with a bank, the bank teller always asks him to sign on a card placed in the signature column of a passbook. When the card is removed, the trace of his signature will be left; this can be used to compare with the signature on the computer’s withdrawal slip under ultraviolet light.
Ultraviolet light certainly has many practical applications, but it may also be harmful to human beings on some occasions. To everyone’s knowledge, the direct impact of the light on the eyes for an excessive length of time may blind a person.
Even though it can cure certain skin disease, it is also very harmful to the skin. A study just completed in the United States says that the light may cause skin cancer. The ultraviolet rays of the sun have been ranked as the third most dangerous cancer-causing agent after alcohol and tobacco.
It is high time to warn sun-worshippers in the quest for a bronzed look to be careful of excessive and uncontrolled exposure to the sun.
Along with the increasing extensive use of computer in financial activities, ultraviolet light has been widely applied by banks to identify the signatures of their customers in passbooks. When a customer opens a new account with a bank, the bank teller always asks him to sign on a card placed in the signature column of a passbook. When the card is removed, the trace of his signature will be left; this can be used to compare with the signature on the computer’s withdrawal slip under ultraviolet light.
Ultraviolet light certainly has many practical applications, but it may also be harmful to human beings on some occasions. To everyone’s knowledge, the direct impact of the light on the eyes for an excessive length of time may blind a person.
Even though it can cure certain skin disease, it is also very harmful to the skin. A study just completed in the United States says that the light may cause skin cancer. The ultraviolet rays of the sun have been ranked as the third most dangerous cancer-causing agent after alcohol and tobacco.
It is high time to warn sun-worshippers in the quest for a bronzed look to be careful of excessive and uncontrolled exposure to the sun.
Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011
Summary of an article The Causes of Terrifying Cancer by sari
Nowadays cancer disease has been a terrified thing in our life. But have you ever known what the causes of cancer? Most doctors and scientists believe there are different causes for the different forms of cancer. Working condition, smoking, viruses or bacteria, and many more are the causes of cancer.
First, working condition, may lead to this disease. For example people who work in close contact with chemical compound like arsenic and asbestos may develop cancer. Asbestos is a family of naturally occurring silica compounds. There are three commonly available types of asbestos; chrysotile (white asbestos), amosite (brown asbestos), and crocidolite (blue asbestos). All three have been associated with cancerous and non-cancerous lung disease.
Next, smoking, is another cause of cancer. Many experiments have shown that smoking can produce lung cancer. Using tobacco products or regularly being around tobacco smoke increases the risk of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, smoking causes 30% of all cancer deaths in the U.S. and is responsible for 87% of cases of lung cancer.
The Last, scientific research, has shown that viruses bring about certain kinds of cancer in laboratory animals. Being infected with certain viruses or bacteria may increase the risk of developing cancer: Human papillomaviruses (HPVs): HPV infection is the main cause of cervical cancer. It also may be a risk factor for other types of cancer. Helicobacter pylori: This bacterium can cause stomach ulcers. It also can cause stomach cancer and lymphoma in the stomach lining.
In conclusion, cancer is a dangerous disease that can be threatening our live and causing a death. That is why we have to maintain our health as early as possible. Having a healthy diet, being physically active, and maintaining a healthy weight may help reduce cancer risk.
First, working condition, may lead to this disease. For example people who work in close contact with chemical compound like arsenic and asbestos may develop cancer. Asbestos is a family of naturally occurring silica compounds. There are three commonly available types of asbestos; chrysotile (white asbestos), amosite (brown asbestos), and crocidolite (blue asbestos). All three have been associated with cancerous and non-cancerous lung disease.
Next, smoking, is another cause of cancer. Many experiments have shown that smoking can produce lung cancer. Using tobacco products or regularly being around tobacco smoke increases the risk of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, smoking causes 30% of all cancer deaths in the U.S. and is responsible for 87% of cases of lung cancer.
The Last, scientific research, has shown that viruses bring about certain kinds of cancer in laboratory animals. Being infected with certain viruses or bacteria may increase the risk of developing cancer: Human papillomaviruses (HPVs): HPV infection is the main cause of cervical cancer. It also may be a risk factor for other types of cancer. Helicobacter pylori: This bacterium can cause stomach ulcers. It also can cause stomach cancer and lymphoma in the stomach lining.
In conclusion, cancer is a dangerous disease that can be threatening our live and causing a death. That is why we have to maintain our health as early as possible. Having a healthy diet, being physically active, and maintaining a healthy weight may help reduce cancer risk.
Jumat, 13 Mei 2011
Summary Silvina Nugrahwati
• Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) was born in Swansea, Wales. At 1951, he published a poem titled “Do not Go Gentle into That Goodnight”.
• Theme is the central idea or ideas explored by a literary work.
• Theme in “Do not Go Gentle into That Goodnight” is about spirit to against the death especially to his father not to give up from the death fate.
• A second person point of view is seldom used, which makes sense if you think about it. In second person, the writer speaks directly to the reader.
• Stanzas 1 and 6 (Do not Go Gentle into That Goodnight) are in second-person point of view.
• The other stanzas are in third-person point of view or omniscient point of view.
• Omniscient narration provides an insight to the thoughts, feelings, and impressions of all the characters and events.
• Do not go Gentle into that Goodnight is a villanelle.
• A villanelle has only two rhyme sounds. The first and third lines of the first stanza rhyme refrains that alternate as the third line in each successive stanza and form a couplet at the close. A villanelle is nineteen lines long, consisting of five tercets and one concluding quatrain.
• A stanza consists of a grouping of lines, set off by space that usually has a set pattern of meter and rhyme.
• Do not go Gentle into that Goodnight has six stanzas.
• A refrain (from Vulgar Latin refringere, "to repeat", and later from Old French refraindre) is the line or lines that are repeated in music or inverse.
• A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words and is most often used in poetry and songs.
• End Rhyme Do not go Gentle into that Goodnight : a. b. a. in the first to the fifth stanzas and a. b. a. b in last or sixth stanza.
• In poetry, metre (or meter in American use of the English Language) is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse.
• Meter Do not go Gentle into that Goodnight : except the second line of the fifth stanza, this poem use iambic tetrameter; each line in the poem has ten syllables (five feet).
• Figurative language – language using figures of speech – is language that cannot be taken literally (or should not be taken literally only).
• Symbol is something that means more than what it is.
• Metaphor and simile are both used as a means of comparing things that are essentially unlike.
• Personification is an ontological metaphor in which a thing or abstraction is represented as a person.
• Analyzing literally works being so important.
• Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) was born in Swansea, Wales. At 1951, he published a poem titled “Do not Go Gentle into That Goodnight”.
• Theme is the central idea or ideas explored by a literary work.
• Theme in “Do not Go Gentle into That Goodnight” is about spirit to against the death especially to his father not to give up from the death fate.
• A second person point of view is seldom used, which makes sense if you think about it. In second person, the writer speaks directly to the reader.
• Stanzas 1 and 6 (Do not Go Gentle into That Goodnight) are in second-person point of view.
• The other stanzas are in third-person point of view or omniscient point of view.
• Omniscient narration provides an insight to the thoughts, feelings, and impressions of all the characters and events.
• Do not go Gentle into that Goodnight is a villanelle.
• A villanelle has only two rhyme sounds. The first and third lines of the first stanza rhyme refrains that alternate as the third line in each successive stanza and form a couplet at the close. A villanelle is nineteen lines long, consisting of five tercets and one concluding quatrain.
• A stanza consists of a grouping of lines, set off by space that usually has a set pattern of meter and rhyme.
• Do not go Gentle into that Goodnight has six stanzas.
• A refrain (from Vulgar Latin refringere, "to repeat", and later from Old French refraindre) is the line or lines that are repeated in music or inverse.
• A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words and is most often used in poetry and songs.
• End Rhyme Do not go Gentle into that Goodnight : a. b. a. in the first to the fifth stanzas and a. b. a. b in last or sixth stanza.
• In poetry, metre (or meter in American use of the English Language) is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse.
• Meter Do not go Gentle into that Goodnight : except the second line of the fifth stanza, this poem use iambic tetrameter; each line in the poem has ten syllables (five feet).
• Figurative language – language using figures of speech – is language that cannot be taken literally (or should not be taken literally only).
• Symbol is something that means more than what it is.
• Metaphor and simile are both used as a means of comparing things that are essentially unlike.
• Personification is an ontological metaphor in which a thing or abstraction is represented as a person.
• Analyzing literally works being so important.
Summary Siti Nurohmah
by Jo Anne Fontanilla
Every story takes place at same point or points in space and in time. It is incumbent upon the writer of fiction to "place" his story in space and time, as early as possible in his narrative, so that you will begin making the proper associations with the setting.
The degree of elaboration with which setting is depicted depends upon a number of considerations. Those are:
1. The importance of the setting in relation to the other essential elements in the story---plot and character.
2. The familiarity of setting.
With a setting that is remote from most readers not only in space but also in time, a different problem arises. If his story takes place in either earlier period, the writer will have to build up his setting out of appropriate details.
The treatment of setting will depend on the mode in which the writer is working, whether it is classical, romantic, or realistic. In classical stories the setting is usually sketched in broadly, in romantic stories there is a greater attention to detail, and in realistic stories the writer must consider seriously the accuracy and fullness of his details.
Most authors delight in turning out lengthy passages of description, "set pieces" with lavish strings of adjectives but today's readers are impatient and skip solid pages or even paragraphs that do not advance the story. It is best to insert description as unobtrusively as possible, an image here, and after dialogue, or a bit or scatter his pictures of the physical background.
Percy Lubbock observes that paring a novel bare of most detail is occasionally good, but not very often. But, besides this a professor Lathrop suggests, the setting has become ever more important in contemporary fiction. The active pressure of environment in forming personality is widely acknowledged now.
Ultimately, the kind and amount of background detail one likes in a book depends on its subject and aim, and no less on the temperament of the author and each reader.
by Jo Anne Fontanilla
Every story takes place at same point or points in space and in time. It is incumbent upon the writer of fiction to "place" his story in space and time, as early as possible in his narrative, so that you will begin making the proper associations with the setting.
The degree of elaboration with which setting is depicted depends upon a number of considerations. Those are:
1. The importance of the setting in relation to the other essential elements in the story---plot and character.
2. The familiarity of setting.
With a setting that is remote from most readers not only in space but also in time, a different problem arises. If his story takes place in either earlier period, the writer will have to build up his setting out of appropriate details.
The treatment of setting will depend on the mode in which the writer is working, whether it is classical, romantic, or realistic. In classical stories the setting is usually sketched in broadly, in romantic stories there is a greater attention to detail, and in realistic stories the writer must consider seriously the accuracy and fullness of his details.
Most authors delight in turning out lengthy passages of description, "set pieces" with lavish strings of adjectives but today's readers are impatient and skip solid pages or even paragraphs that do not advance the story. It is best to insert description as unobtrusively as possible, an image here, and after dialogue, or a bit or scatter his pictures of the physical background.
Percy Lubbock observes that paring a novel bare of most detail is occasionally good, but not very often. But, besides this a professor Lathrop suggests, the setting has become ever more important in contemporary fiction. The active pressure of environment in forming personality is widely acknowledged now.
Ultimately, the kind and amount of background detail one likes in a book depends on its subject and aim, and no less on the temperament of the author and each reader.
Yashinta Pradina Saputra_Summary
Nama: Yashinta. Pradina. Saputra
Nim: 1209503181
Kelas: bsi/iv/e
Music and Your Body: How music Affects us and Why Music Therapy Promotes Health How and Why Is Music A Good Tool for Health by Elizabeth Scott, M. S
Music affects many areas of the body, making music therapy a helpful tool for health.
Research has shown that music has a profound effect o your body and psyche. In fact, there’s a growing field of health care known as music therapy, which uses music to heal. Those who practice music therapy are finding a benefit in using music to help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others, and even hospitals are beginning to use music and music therapy to help with pain management, to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension, and for many other benefits that music and music therapy can bring.
This is not surprising, as music affects the body and mind in many power ways. The following are some of effects of music, which help to explain the effectiveness of music therapy:
Brain waves: research has shown that music with a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thinking, and a slower tempo promoting a calm, meditative state. Also, research has found that the change in brainwave activity levels that music can bring also enable the brain to shift speeds more easily on its own as needed, which means that music can bring lasting benefits to your state of mind, even after you’ve stopped listening.
Breathing and heart rate. With alterations in brainwaves comes change in other bodily functions. Those governed by the autonomic nervous system, such as breathing and heart rate can also be altered by the changes music can bring. This can mean slower breathing, slower hear rate, and an activation of the relaxation response, among other things. This is why music and music therapy can help counteract or prevent the damaging effects of chronic stress, greatly promoting not only relaxation, but health.
Using music therapy: With all these benefits that music can carry, it’s no surprise that music therapy is growing in popularity.
Using music on your own: While music therapy is an important discipline, you can also achieve benefits from music on your own.
Music, relaxation and stress management can explain more of how music can be an especially effective tool for stress management, and can be used in daily life.
Title: Music and Your Body: How Music Affects us and Why Music Therapy Promotes Health How and Why Is Music a Good Tool for Health
Author: Elizabeth Scott, M. S
Music affects many area of the body, making music therapy a helpful tool for a health.
Research has shown that music has a profound effect o your body and psyche. And they found benefit in using music to help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others, and even hospitals are beginning to use music and music therapy to help with pain management, to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension, and for many other benefits that music and music therapy can bring.
Beside that there are some of effects of music, which help to explain the effectiveness of music therapy. There are brainwaves, breathing and heart rate, using music on your therapy, using music on your own.
Music, relaxation and stress management can explain more of how music can be an especially effective tool for stress management, and can be used in daily life.
Nim: 1209503181
Kelas: bsi/iv/e
Music and Your Body: How music Affects us and Why Music Therapy Promotes Health How and Why Is Music A Good Tool for Health by Elizabeth Scott, M. S
Music affects many areas of the body, making music therapy a helpful tool for health.
Research has shown that music has a profound effect o your body and psyche. In fact, there’s a growing field of health care known as music therapy, which uses music to heal. Those who practice music therapy are finding a benefit in using music to help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others, and even hospitals are beginning to use music and music therapy to help with pain management, to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension, and for many other benefits that music and music therapy can bring.
This is not surprising, as music affects the body and mind in many power ways. The following are some of effects of music, which help to explain the effectiveness of music therapy:
Brain waves: research has shown that music with a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thinking, and a slower tempo promoting a calm, meditative state. Also, research has found that the change in brainwave activity levels that music can bring also enable the brain to shift speeds more easily on its own as needed, which means that music can bring lasting benefits to your state of mind, even after you’ve stopped listening.
Breathing and heart rate. With alterations in brainwaves comes change in other bodily functions. Those governed by the autonomic nervous system, such as breathing and heart rate can also be altered by the changes music can bring. This can mean slower breathing, slower hear rate, and an activation of the relaxation response, among other things. This is why music and music therapy can help counteract or prevent the damaging effects of chronic stress, greatly promoting not only relaxation, but health.
Using music therapy: With all these benefits that music can carry, it’s no surprise that music therapy is growing in popularity.
Using music on your own: While music therapy is an important discipline, you can also achieve benefits from music on your own.
Music, relaxation and stress management can explain more of how music can be an especially effective tool for stress management, and can be used in daily life.
Title: Music and Your Body: How Music Affects us and Why Music Therapy Promotes Health How and Why Is Music a Good Tool for Health
Author: Elizabeth Scott, M. S
Music affects many area of the body, making music therapy a helpful tool for a health.
Research has shown that music has a profound effect o your body and psyche. And they found benefit in using music to help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others, and even hospitals are beginning to use music and music therapy to help with pain management, to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension, and for many other benefits that music and music therapy can bring.
Beside that there are some of effects of music, which help to explain the effectiveness of music therapy. There are brainwaves, breathing and heart rate, using music on your therapy, using music on your own.
Music, relaxation and stress management can explain more of how music can be an especially effective tool for stress management, and can be used in daily life.
Yusanthiya Windhianita_Summary 2
7 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Discussing Sexuality With Your Teenager
As a parent, are you apprehensive to discuss sexuality with your teenager? Many teenagers want to be able to discuss sexuality with their parents, but may be afraid to because of the consequence or feel like their parents will not listen, become suspicious. Here are 7 common mistakes to avoid when discussing sexuality with your teenager:
1. Avoidance
Parents that are apprehensive to discuss sexuality with their teenagers often play the "Pretend It Is Not There Game". Parental avoidance and sexuality is a not a good combination when it comes to teenagers. Sexuality can be overwhelming and even scary for a lot of teenagers, and many actually wish they could discuss it with their parents. Overcoming your own fears to discuss sexuality may help alleviate their own fears.
2. Stick to surface talk
Many parents of teenagers discuss sexuality on a surface level limited only the basics of sexuality. All the while, they may neglect the deeper issues of the emotional aspects that are a part of sexuality: the feelings of hurt and betrayal in a relationship that has gone bad, or the intensity of infatuation that tend not to last. Sexuality cannot be separated from feelings, and discussing them with your teenager now can prevent heartache later.
3. Shut down communication with them
Many parents so desperately want to have an open communication with their teenagers, especially when it comes to sexuality. Yet, somehow their discussions about sexuality can be either reactive or passive in nature. Open communication requires more listening than lecturing. When discussing sexuality with your teenager, ask open-ended questions, and then be prepared to listen, and the listen some more. Dialogues tend to go a lot further than monologues in the communication process.
4. Forget about the relationship
Like many adults, teenagers often equate sexuality with a relationship. What many tend to forget is that sexuality is the by-product of a healthy relationship. Healthy sexuality requires the sacred trust that is a result of the vulnerability of healthy relationship that has taken a time and maturity to develop. Often teenagers, think when they date someone that they are required to develop their sexual skills for later in their adult life. In reality, a better focus is to work on the skills needed to build a healthy relationship, rather than being distracted by sexuality. Teenagers are generally not ready for the emotional consequences that result from sexuality.
5. Being passive
Some parents do not want to "intrude" on their teenager's personal lives, as if even asking about their teenager's sexual lives is a taboo. Your teenager may talk like he/she knows how to make good decisions about sexuality, and even made some good decisions. Yet, he/she lacks the wisdom that comes from life experiences. The teenage years are still a formative time to when your teenager is learning to make some significant lifestyle decisions. And they need help making these decisions. Do not lose the opportunity to passivity.
6. Speaking in the short term
Many teenagers are near sighted when it comes to sexuality. Caught up in emotions of the moment and immediacy, it can be difficult to consider the long-term consequences of their behaviors. Have discussions with your teenager about the physical, emotional, and spiritual costs of their behaviors. Sometimes long term vision can prevent heartache in the present.
7. Only discuss it once
Many parents think if they discuss sexuality just once with their teenager, then they have done their job. Wrong! Our culture is too inundated with sexuality to have this discussion just once. It is in the malls, magazines, television, Internet, and even amongst the discussion with peers. To expand your sexuality discussions beyond the basics of intercourse, and to include the myriad of other factors that are related to sexuality can enhance the closeness with your teenager, which is the heart's desire of both parents and teenagers.
By : tgrable2001
Summary :
7 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Discussing Sexuality With Your Teenager
In this article, It says that sometimes teenagers want to discuss about sexuality, but they think that their parents will not listen what they will say. As a parent, maybe it will be apprehensive discussing sexuality with their teenagers. Here, in this article, it has 7 common mistakes to avoid when discussing sexuality with teenager :
1. Avoidance
Parents that are apprehensive to discuss sexuality with their teenager often play the “Pretend It Is Not There Game”. Parental avoidance and sexuality is not a good combination when it comes to teenagers. Sexuality can be over helming and even scary for a lot of teenagers, and actually many wish they could discuss it with their parents. Over coming own fears to discuss sexuality may help alleviate their own fears.
2. Stick to surface talk
Many parents of teenagers discuss sexuality on a surface level limited only the basic of sexuality. They may neglect the deeper issues of the emotional aspects that are a part of sexuality. Sexuality cannot be separated from feelings, and discussing them with teenager. It can prevent heartache later.
3. Shut down communication with them
Sometimes, many parents want to have open communication with their teenagers, especially about sexuality. Somehow, their discussion can be either reactive or passive in nature. When discussing sexuality with teenagers, ask open-ended questions, and then be prepared to listen. Dialogues tend to go a lot further than monologues in the communication process.
4. Forget about the relationship
Teenagers often equate sexuality with a relationship. Often teenagers think when they date someone that they are required to develop their sexual skills for later in their adult life. In reality, a better focus is to work on the skills needed to build a healthy relationship, rather than being distracted by sexuality.
5. Being passive
Some parents do not want to ‘Intrude’ on their teenager’s personal lives, as if even asking about their teenager’s sexual lives is a taboo. The teenage years are still a formative time to when teenager is learning to make some significant lifestyle decisions. They need help making these decisions. Do not lose the opportunity to passivity.
6. Speaking in the short term
Many teenagers are near sighted when it comes to sexuality. Have discussion with teenager about the physical, emotional, and spiritual costs of their behaviors. Sometimes long term vision can prevent heartache in the present.
7. Only discuss it once
Parent think that discussing about sexuality just once with their teenager, they have done their job, but it is wrong. It is in malls, magazines, television, internet, and even amongst the discussion with peers. To expand sexuality discussions beyond the basics of intercourse, and to include the myriad of other factors that are related to sexuality can enhance the closeness with teenagers, which is the heart’s desire of both parents and teenagers.
As a parent, are you apprehensive to discuss sexuality with your teenager? Many teenagers want to be able to discuss sexuality with their parents, but may be afraid to because of the consequence or feel like their parents will not listen, become suspicious. Here are 7 common mistakes to avoid when discussing sexuality with your teenager:
1. Avoidance
Parents that are apprehensive to discuss sexuality with their teenagers often play the "Pretend It Is Not There Game". Parental avoidance and sexuality is a not a good combination when it comes to teenagers. Sexuality can be overwhelming and even scary for a lot of teenagers, and many actually wish they could discuss it with their parents. Overcoming your own fears to discuss sexuality may help alleviate their own fears.
2. Stick to surface talk
Many parents of teenagers discuss sexuality on a surface level limited only the basics of sexuality. All the while, they may neglect the deeper issues of the emotional aspects that are a part of sexuality: the feelings of hurt and betrayal in a relationship that has gone bad, or the intensity of infatuation that tend not to last. Sexuality cannot be separated from feelings, and discussing them with your teenager now can prevent heartache later.
3. Shut down communication with them
Many parents so desperately want to have an open communication with their teenagers, especially when it comes to sexuality. Yet, somehow their discussions about sexuality can be either reactive or passive in nature. Open communication requires more listening than lecturing. When discussing sexuality with your teenager, ask open-ended questions, and then be prepared to listen, and the listen some more. Dialogues tend to go a lot further than monologues in the communication process.
4. Forget about the relationship
Like many adults, teenagers often equate sexuality with a relationship. What many tend to forget is that sexuality is the by-product of a healthy relationship. Healthy sexuality requires the sacred trust that is a result of the vulnerability of healthy relationship that has taken a time and maturity to develop. Often teenagers, think when they date someone that they are required to develop their sexual skills for later in their adult life. In reality, a better focus is to work on the skills needed to build a healthy relationship, rather than being distracted by sexuality. Teenagers are generally not ready for the emotional consequences that result from sexuality.
5. Being passive
Some parents do not want to "intrude" on their teenager's personal lives, as if even asking about their teenager's sexual lives is a taboo. Your teenager may talk like he/she knows how to make good decisions about sexuality, and even made some good decisions. Yet, he/she lacks the wisdom that comes from life experiences. The teenage years are still a formative time to when your teenager is learning to make some significant lifestyle decisions. And they need help making these decisions. Do not lose the opportunity to passivity.
6. Speaking in the short term
Many teenagers are near sighted when it comes to sexuality. Caught up in emotions of the moment and immediacy, it can be difficult to consider the long-term consequences of their behaviors. Have discussions with your teenager about the physical, emotional, and spiritual costs of their behaviors. Sometimes long term vision can prevent heartache in the present.
7. Only discuss it once
Many parents think if they discuss sexuality just once with their teenager, then they have done their job. Wrong! Our culture is too inundated with sexuality to have this discussion just once. It is in the malls, magazines, television, Internet, and even amongst the discussion with peers. To expand your sexuality discussions beyond the basics of intercourse, and to include the myriad of other factors that are related to sexuality can enhance the closeness with your teenager, which is the heart's desire of both parents and teenagers.
By : tgrable2001
Summary :
7 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Discussing Sexuality With Your Teenager
In this article, It says that sometimes teenagers want to discuss about sexuality, but they think that their parents will not listen what they will say. As a parent, maybe it will be apprehensive discussing sexuality with their teenagers. Here, in this article, it has 7 common mistakes to avoid when discussing sexuality with teenager :
1. Avoidance
Parents that are apprehensive to discuss sexuality with their teenager often play the “Pretend It Is Not There Game”. Parental avoidance and sexuality is not a good combination when it comes to teenagers. Sexuality can be over helming and even scary for a lot of teenagers, and actually many wish they could discuss it with their parents. Over coming own fears to discuss sexuality may help alleviate their own fears.
2. Stick to surface talk
Many parents of teenagers discuss sexuality on a surface level limited only the basic of sexuality. They may neglect the deeper issues of the emotional aspects that are a part of sexuality. Sexuality cannot be separated from feelings, and discussing them with teenager. It can prevent heartache later.
3. Shut down communication with them
Sometimes, many parents want to have open communication with their teenagers, especially about sexuality. Somehow, their discussion can be either reactive or passive in nature. When discussing sexuality with teenagers, ask open-ended questions, and then be prepared to listen. Dialogues tend to go a lot further than monologues in the communication process.
4. Forget about the relationship
Teenagers often equate sexuality with a relationship. Often teenagers think when they date someone that they are required to develop their sexual skills for later in their adult life. In reality, a better focus is to work on the skills needed to build a healthy relationship, rather than being distracted by sexuality.
5. Being passive
Some parents do not want to ‘Intrude’ on their teenager’s personal lives, as if even asking about their teenager’s sexual lives is a taboo. The teenage years are still a formative time to when teenager is learning to make some significant lifestyle decisions. They need help making these decisions. Do not lose the opportunity to passivity.
6. Speaking in the short term
Many teenagers are near sighted when it comes to sexuality. Have discussion with teenager about the physical, emotional, and spiritual costs of their behaviors. Sometimes long term vision can prevent heartache in the present.
7. Only discuss it once
Parent think that discussing about sexuality just once with their teenager, they have done their job, but it is wrong. It is in malls, magazines, television, internet, and even amongst the discussion with peers. To expand sexuality discussions beyond the basics of intercourse, and to include the myriad of other factors that are related to sexuality can enhance the closeness with teenagers, which is the heart’s desire of both parents and teenagers.
Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
Yusanthiya Windhianita_Summary 1
Celebrate Mother’s Day in a Unique Way
This blog (Sina’s blog) is about how we can make celebration for mother’s day, but it is not monotonous. It says that celebrating of mother’s day with our mother in that day without doing something which is different, it is monotonous. We have to have many ways to celebrate mother’s day, and make it special for mother. We can do something extraordinary and unique just for loveliest woman in our life. Perhaps, before we make celebration for mother’s day, we can look for something which is liked by our mother or we can follow some tips to celebrate mother’s day which is unique like this :
1. Make the day a family event. Throw a mother’s day party and let our mother be the centre of attention.
2. Plan a day out, arrange games or fun activities and let our mother and other have great fun.
3. Cook our mother’s favorite dish or dedicate a poem to her or paint her, if we are good at painting.
4. If our mother loves visiting historical places and monuments, take her to a historical place or museum.
5. As per as gifts are concerned we can gift her a designer handbag, her favorite fragrance, a kitchen appliance, a diamond ring, or a collection of her favorite author.
6. If we have started living separately, get our mother to our house on the day and involve her in your new life.
7. Collect all the old to new photos of our mother and family.
8. At the party discuss all those amusing and happy moments we spend together and do share our new experience and incidents with mother and family, this will make a real mother’s day.
9. After having lots of fun, gather everyone at one place and deliver a sweet speech on our mother, her sacrifices, dedication and contribution for our family.
10. Record the whole day’s celebration, make a movie or video and gift her at the end of the day.
This blog (Sina’s blog) is about how we can make celebration for mother’s day, but it is not monotonous. It says that celebrating of mother’s day with our mother in that day without doing something which is different, it is monotonous. We have to have many ways to celebrate mother’s day, and make it special for mother. We can do something extraordinary and unique just for loveliest woman in our life. Perhaps, before we make celebration for mother’s day, we can look for something which is liked by our mother or we can follow some tips to celebrate mother’s day which is unique like this :
1. Make the day a family event. Throw a mother’s day party and let our mother be the centre of attention.
2. Plan a day out, arrange games or fun activities and let our mother and other have great fun.
3. Cook our mother’s favorite dish or dedicate a poem to her or paint her, if we are good at painting.
4. If our mother loves visiting historical places and monuments, take her to a historical place or museum.
5. As per as gifts are concerned we can gift her a designer handbag, her favorite fragrance, a kitchen appliance, a diamond ring, or a collection of her favorite author.
6. If we have started living separately, get our mother to our house on the day and involve her in your new life.
7. Collect all the old to new photos of our mother and family.
8. At the party discuss all those amusing and happy moments we spend together and do share our new experience and incidents with mother and family, this will make a real mother’s day.
9. After having lots of fun, gather everyone at one place and deliver a sweet speech on our mother, her sacrifices, dedication and contribution for our family.
10. Record the whole day’s celebration, make a movie or video and gift her at the end of the day.
Summary_Santi Ramdhani
Introduction: Theory, Description, and Analysis in Affix Order by Mark Aronoff and Stela Manova
Published on line: July 30, 2010
This journal is second edition of five selected files about affix ordering by tipologically different language that Stela Manova and Bogdan Szymanek organized at the 13th International Morphology Meeting in Viena in February 2008. The previous issue they set out about the basic questions facing any attempt to model affix order, with special attention to particular order; essentially a typology of affix order (Manova and Aronoff 2010).
In this introduction they shared that in the previous issue all five articles were devoted to hierarchical ordering in a single language. The current set is thematically more diverse, although each of the five articles again treats a single language. These articles share a common sensibility that involves three distinct, they are theory, descriptioon, and analysis. They are inseparable to the extent that one cannot describe or analyze data without some kind of (perhaps implicit) theory and every theory is constructed to deal with a particular type of phenomenon to be described and analyzed. What unites all the articles here is the principle that none of these three enterprises exists in a vacuum. Manova and Arnoff do not describe languages merely because of their contribution to linguistic theory or because they enjoy the excitement of linguistic analysis. Nor do we believe that the sole purpose of linguistic theory is its contribution to linguistic description. Rather each one is valuable in itself.
In addition, there are some linguist that write five articles about affix order that finally become reference of this journal of second set, such as Natalia Korotkova and Yuli Lander in: Deriving affix ordering in polysynthesis: evidence from Adyghe. Rachel Nordlinger in Verbal ordering in Murrinh-Patha: evidence for templates. It is demonstrate that contrary to Adyghe. Then, Dimitra Melissaropoulou and Angela Ralli, in Greek derivational structures: restrictions and constraints, analyze the order of derivational suffixes in Standard Modern Greek and some of its major varieties spoken in Asia Minor. While, Roksolana Mykhaylyk, in Diachronic universals and morpheme order in the Ukrainian synthetic imperfective future, brings evidence from the history of Ukrainian to the old question of whether today’s morphology is a reflection of yesterday’s syntax. For the last is Mark Aronoff and Zheng Xu, A Realization Optimality-Theoretic approach to affix order, is more theoretically oriented.
Those are five articles which is used to arrange the article of theory, description and analysis in affix order. Manova and Aronoff took the article because of excitement of linguistic analysis. They also believe that sole purpose of linguistic theory is its contribution to linguistic description. And all of them are cannot be separated each other. Theory, description, and analysis as if a packet to describe particular phenomenon.
Introduction: Theory, Description, and Analysis in Affix Order by Mark Aronoff and Stela Manova
Published on line: July 30, 2010
This journal is second edition of five selected files about affix ordering by tipologically different language that Stela Manova and Bogdan Szymanek organized at the 13th International Morphology Meeting in Viena in February 2008. The previous issue they set out about the basic questions facing any attempt to model affix order, with special attention to particular order; essentially a typology of affix order (Manova and Aronoff 2010).
In this introduction they shared that in the previous issue all five articles were devoted to hierarchical ordering in a single language. The current set is thematically more diverse, although each of the five articles again treats a single language. These articles share a common sensibility that involves three distinct, they are theory, descriptioon, and analysis. They are inseparable to the extent that one cannot describe or analyze data without some kind of (perhaps implicit) theory and every theory is constructed to deal with a particular type of phenomenon to be described and analyzed. What unites all the articles here is the principle that none of these three enterprises exists in a vacuum. Manova and Arnoff do not describe languages merely because of their contribution to linguistic theory or because they enjoy the excitement of linguistic analysis. Nor do we believe that the sole purpose of linguistic theory is its contribution to linguistic description. Rather each one is valuable in itself.
In addition, there are some linguist that write five articles about affix order that finally become reference of this journal of second set, such as Natalia Korotkova and Yuli Lander in: Deriving affix ordering in polysynthesis: evidence from Adyghe. Rachel Nordlinger in Verbal ordering in Murrinh-Patha: evidence for templates. It is demonstrate that contrary to Adyghe. Then, Dimitra Melissaropoulou and Angela Ralli, in Greek derivational structures: restrictions and constraints, analyze the order of derivational suffixes in Standard Modern Greek and some of its major varieties spoken in Asia Minor. While, Roksolana Mykhaylyk, in Diachronic universals and morpheme order in the Ukrainian synthetic imperfective future, brings evidence from the history of Ukrainian to the old question of whether today’s morphology is a reflection of yesterday’s syntax. For the last is Mark Aronoff and Zheng Xu, A Realization Optimality-Theoretic approach to affix order, is more theoretically oriented.
Those are five articles which is used to arrange the article of theory, description and analysis in affix order. Manova and Aronoff took the article because of excitement of linguistic analysis. They also believe that sole purpose of linguistic theory is its contribution to linguistic description. And all of them are cannot be separated each other. Theory, description, and analysis as if a packet to describe particular phenomenon.
Summary2_Siska Hardiana Safitri
Morphological Case
This journal is such as a way to promote a volume. Volume here contain of a lot of journals which written by journalist and linguists discussed about deviation in language case. Most of them highlighted the semantic factor. Volume was presented at the Workshop on Emphirical Approaches to Morphological Case held at the LSA Summer Institute at Stanford University, CA, in 2007.
The main goal of the workshop was to highlight and aims to understand non-canonical uses of case. Such recent studies have shown that the choice of morphological case is more complex than a simple mapping between a noun phrase and its grammatical relation. This edited special volume aim to contribute and to a commencing discussion of this multifaceted phenomenon and morphological case.
C. Donohue, in her article entitled Towards an understanding of dative objects in Basque, investigates the non-standard use of dative case in Basque. In particular, she focuses on transitive clauses where the object bears dative case. M. Donohue, in his article entitled Case and configurationality: scrambling or mapping? It highlights the importance of taking morphology seriously. He presents data from Kanum in New Guinea which exhibits a number of non configurational properties.
Discussions of configurationality, and particularly non configurationality, have focused on data from Australian languages, for many of which evidence for VP and NP units is fleeting. Grimm, in his article entitled Semantics of case, presents a novel framework that directly relates the distribution of case with the semantics of argument realization. Grimm cogently shows how this system accounts for case alternations as well as case polysemy. Butt and Ahmed, in their article entitled The redevelopment of Indo-Aryan case systems from a lexical semantic perspective, re-examine the development of case from Sanskrit into the new Indo-Aryan languages, suggesting that it is the result of semantic contrasts. Krasovitsky, Baerman, Brown, and Corbett, in their article entitled Changing semantic factors in case selection, investigate changes in the semantic factors relevant for the Russian genitive of negation with direct objects during the last 200 years. In Modern Russian, moreover, an additional factor has come to play a role, namely the type of verb phrase, as non-finite verbs are much more likely to show up with an accusative on the negated object than finite verbs. Von Heusinger and Kaiser, in their article entitled Affectedness and differential object marking in Spanish, carry out an investigation of the spread of differential object marking across lexical verb classes in the history of Spanish. Barddal, in her article entitled Lexical vs. structural case: a false dichotomy, takes issue with the generative dichotomy of structural and lexical case and the subdivision of lexical case into thematic and idiosyncratic case.
This journal is such as a way to promote a volume. Volume here contain of a lot of journals which written by journalist and linguists discussed about deviation in language case. Most of them highlighted the semantic factor. Volume was presented at the Workshop on Emphirical Approaches to Morphological Case held at the LSA Summer Institute at Stanford University, CA, in 2007.
The main goal of the workshop was to highlight and aims to understand non-canonical uses of case. Such recent studies have shown that the choice of morphological case is more complex than a simple mapping between a noun phrase and its grammatical relation. This edited special volume aim to contribute and to a commencing discussion of this multifaceted phenomenon and morphological case.
C. Donohue, in her article entitled Towards an understanding of dative objects in Basque, investigates the non-standard use of dative case in Basque. In particular, she focuses on transitive clauses where the object bears dative case. M. Donohue, in his article entitled Case and configurationality: scrambling or mapping? It highlights the importance of taking morphology seriously. He presents data from Kanum in New Guinea which exhibits a number of non configurational properties.
Discussions of configurationality, and particularly non configurationality, have focused on data from Australian languages, for many of which evidence for VP and NP units is fleeting. Grimm, in his article entitled Semantics of case, presents a novel framework that directly relates the distribution of case with the semantics of argument realization. Grimm cogently shows how this system accounts for case alternations as well as case polysemy. Butt and Ahmed, in their article entitled The redevelopment of Indo-Aryan case systems from a lexical semantic perspective, re-examine the development of case from Sanskrit into the new Indo-Aryan languages, suggesting that it is the result of semantic contrasts. Krasovitsky, Baerman, Brown, and Corbett, in their article entitled Changing semantic factors in case selection, investigate changes in the semantic factors relevant for the Russian genitive of negation with direct objects during the last 200 years. In Modern Russian, moreover, an additional factor has come to play a role, namely the type of verb phrase, as non-finite verbs are much more likely to show up with an accusative on the negated object than finite verbs. Von Heusinger and Kaiser, in their article entitled Affectedness and differential object marking in Spanish, carry out an investigation of the spread of differential object marking across lexical verb classes in the history of Spanish. Barddal, in her article entitled Lexical vs. structural case: a false dichotomy, takes issue with the generative dichotomy of structural and lexical case and the subdivision of lexical case into thematic and idiosyncratic case.
Summary1_Siska Hardiana Safitri
Exploring South Pole
South Pole is the highest and windiest continent on Earth. It is also the coldest. Even in summer needing to wear a parka and thick gloves. In the early 1900s, several explorers tried to reach the South Pole. British explorer Ernest Shackleton turned back in 1909 after running out of food. Norwegian explorer Roald Amundson won the race to the South Pole in 1911. He beat British explorer Robert Scott by five weeks.
Antarctica is a large ice-covered continent that surrounds the South Pole. The Southern (Antarctic) Ocean surrounds this frozen land. Antarctica lies at the bottom of the southern half of the globe. Summer begins there in December and winter in June. In midsummer, the sun shines day and night. It never sets. In midwinter, the sun never rises above the horizon. It is dark day and night.
Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. It is warmest along the coast, but you would still find it plenty cold. Summer temperatures along the coast reach the freezing point—32° Fahrenheit (0° Celsius). You don’t need ice for your lemonade. If you set it outside, it will freeze. In winter, temperatures inland fall as low as -110° Fahrenheit (-80° Celsius) in the winter.
A huge sheet of ice covers nearly all of Antarctica. At its deepest, the ice is nearly 3 miles (4.7 kilometers) thick. If Antarctica’s ice melted, the world’s oceans would rise by 200 feet (60 meters). Coastal cities around the world would be covered with water as high as a 20-story building.
Its ice cover makes Antarctica the highest of all the continents. Antarctica’s average elevation, or height, is more than 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) higher than any other continent on Earth.
Antarctica’s climate is too cold and windy for almost all life. The few plants and animals live near the coast. Penguins and seals spend most of their time in the ocean. The ocean around Antarctica is full of animals. Whales, fish, squids, and jellyfish swim in cold Antarctic waters. The larger animals feed on the smaller animals.
Exploring this continent exactly Antarctica is extremely dangerous. The human body is not built for such cold. At very low temperatures, frostbite can injure skin and other tissues. Even your breath freezes. Explorers must bring all their supplies. They won’t find any food in Antarctica. They must carry and build shelters from the cold. Without proper shelter, they will die.
South Pole is the highest and windiest continent on Earth. It is also the coldest. Even in summer needing to wear a parka and thick gloves. In the early 1900s, several explorers tried to reach the South Pole. British explorer Ernest Shackleton turned back in 1909 after running out of food. Norwegian explorer Roald Amundson won the race to the South Pole in 1911. He beat British explorer Robert Scott by five weeks.
Antarctica is a large ice-covered continent that surrounds the South Pole. The Southern (Antarctic) Ocean surrounds this frozen land. Antarctica lies at the bottom of the southern half of the globe. Summer begins there in December and winter in June. In midsummer, the sun shines day and night. It never sets. In midwinter, the sun never rises above the horizon. It is dark day and night.
Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. It is warmest along the coast, but you would still find it plenty cold. Summer temperatures along the coast reach the freezing point—32° Fahrenheit (0° Celsius). You don’t need ice for your lemonade. If you set it outside, it will freeze. In winter, temperatures inland fall as low as -110° Fahrenheit (-80° Celsius) in the winter.
A huge sheet of ice covers nearly all of Antarctica. At its deepest, the ice is nearly 3 miles (4.7 kilometers) thick. If Antarctica’s ice melted, the world’s oceans would rise by 200 feet (60 meters). Coastal cities around the world would be covered with water as high as a 20-story building.
Its ice cover makes Antarctica the highest of all the continents. Antarctica’s average elevation, or height, is more than 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) higher than any other continent on Earth.
Antarctica’s climate is too cold and windy for almost all life. The few plants and animals live near the coast. Penguins and seals spend most of their time in the ocean. The ocean around Antarctica is full of animals. Whales, fish, squids, and jellyfish swim in cold Antarctic waters. The larger animals feed on the smaller animals.
Exploring this continent exactly Antarctica is extremely dangerous. The human body is not built for such cold. At very low temperatures, frostbite can injure skin and other tissues. Even your breath freezes. Explorers must bring all their supplies. They won’t find any food in Antarctica. They must carry and build shelters from the cold. Without proper shelter, they will die.
Jumat, 06 Mei 2011
2.1 Teaching Background Theory
2.1.1 Teaching Definition
Teaching is the activity of educating or instructing or teaching that imparts knowledge or skill. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English by A. S. Hornby, it is said that the mean of teaching is to give lessons to students in a school, college, university, etc.; to help somebody learn something by giving information about it.
While Tardif (in Adrian, 2004) defines, teaching is any action performed by an individual (the teacher) with the intention of facilitating learning in another individual (the learner).
According to Slameto (1995: 29) teaching is transferring culture in form of experience and skill to the students. Another definition in other modern developed country said that teaching is guidance for the students in learning process. The definition shows that the students are active, who is experiencing the learning process. The teacher only guides and shows the way by considering the students’ personality. The chance to act and think more is given to the students.
Teaching is defined by Sudjana (2000: 37) as a tool that is prepared through arrangement and preparation of condition that is possible for the students to do various learning activity optimally. Pasaribu (1983: 7) said that teaching is an activity which organizes the environment best with the children so that become learning process.
Based on the explanation above, it is concluded that teaching is a guidance activity and organization of the environment surround the students, in order to create the learning environment conducive that is possible to create optimal learning process.
Classic definition said that teaching is defined as transferring knowledge, because of this point of view, so the teacher is looked as the source of knowledge and students are assumed don’t know anything. This definition is in accordance with Jerome S believes. Brunner assumes that teaching is reserving ideas, problems, or knowledge in the form of simple so that can be understood by the students.
Modern definition denied the above point of view; therefore, it has been abandoned. People start to move to the point of view that teaching is not transferring knowledge merely, but also try to make the learning environment that is possible for the student to learn. Experts in education who agree with it are: Nasution, who formulized that teaching, is an activity in organizing or arranging the best environment and connect to the students, so the learning process formed. According to Tyson and Caroll said that teaching is a way and a mutual relation between the teacher and the students which are both active doing. Meanwhile, Tordif said that teaching is the activity which is done by someone (teacher) with the intention help and make the other (students) easier to do learning activity. Thus, new concept about teaching states that teaching is constructing students how to learn, how to think, and how to investigate.
2.1 Teaching Background Theory
2.1.1 Teaching Definition
Teaching is the activity of educating or instructing or teaching that imparts knowledge or skill. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English by A. S. Hornby, it is said that the mean of teaching is to give lessons to students in a school, college, university, etc.; to help somebody learn something by giving information about it.
While Tardif (in Adrian, 2004) defines, teaching is any action performed by an individual (the teacher) with the intention of facilitating learning in another individual (the learner).
According to Slameto (1995: 29) teaching is transferring culture in form of experience and skill to the students. Another definition in other modern developed country said that teaching is guidance for the students in learning process. The definition shows that the students are active, who is experiencing the learning process. The teacher only guides and shows the way by considering the students’ personality. The chance to act and think more is given to the students.
Teaching is defined by Sudjana (2000: 37) as a tool that is prepared through arrangement and preparation of condition that is possible for the students to do various learning activity optimally. Pasaribu (1983: 7) said that teaching is an activity which organizes the environment best with the children so that become learning process.
Based on the explanation above, it is concluded that teaching is a guidance activity and organization of the environment surround the students, in order to create the learning environment conducive that is possible to create optimal learning process.
Classic definition said that teaching is defined as transferring knowledge, because of this point of view, so the teacher is looked as the source of knowledge and students are assumed don’t know anything. This definition is in accordance with Jerome S believes. Brunner assumes that teaching is reserving ideas, problems, or knowledge in the form of simple so that can be understood by the students.
Modern definition denied the above point of view; therefore, it has been abandoned. People start to move to the point of view that teaching is not transferring knowledge merely, but also try to make the learning environment that is possible for the student to learn. Experts in education who agree with it are: Nasution, who formulized that teaching, is an activity in organizing or arranging the best environment and connect to the students, so the learning process formed. According to Tyson and Caroll said that teaching is a way and a mutual relation between the teacher and the students which are both active doing. Meanwhile, Tordif said that teaching is the activity which is done by someone (teacher) with the intention help and make the other (students) easier to do learning activity. Thus, new concept about teaching states that teaching is constructing students how to learn, how to think, and how to investigate.
Alternative Energy Sources
Recently energy crisis is always being a highlight issue. Now should we change our energy sources to the better one? Alternative energy sources are becoming increasingly attractive as the energy crisis becomes more severe. They are solar heating system, ocean waves and tides energy, coal, and garbage.
First, solar heating systems, which use the sun’s radiation as a source of energy, are a promising alternative energy source. Solar energy is one the most resourceful sources of energy for the future. One of the reasons for this is that the total energy we receive each year from the sun is around 35,000 times the total energy used by man. However, about 1/3 of this energy is either absorbed by the outer atmosphere or reflected back into space.
Second, government and private industry, are even investigating the possibility of capturing the power of ocean waves and tides for conversion into usable energy. Even the power of the tides can be harnessed to produce electricity. Similar to the more conventional hydroelectric dams, the tidal process utilizes the natural motion of the tides to fill reservoirs, which are then slowly discharged through electricity-producing turbines.
Third, coal, is a burnable black or brownish-black sedimentary rock composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons. Coal is a nonrenewable energy source because it takes millions of years to create. The energy in coal comes from the energy stored by plants that lived hundreds of millions years ago, when the earth was partly covered with swampy forests. For millions of years, a layer of dead plants at the bottom of the swamps was covered by layers of water and dirt, trapping the energy of the dead plants. The heat and pressure from the top layers helped the plant remains turn into what we today call coal. Once again coal becomes an acceptable fuel as the nation searches for solutions to the energy shortage.
Even the garbage is seen as a potential source of energy. Garbage or city solid waste can be a source of energy by burning it in special power plants or by capturing the gases it releases. When trash is burned at special waste power plants, it produces steam that can be used either to heat buildings or to generate electricity. We can also obtain energy from garbage by letting it rot in landfills. It releases methane gas – also called biogas – that can be collected and used as a fuel source.
So we do not need to be worried anymore about the crisis of energy because we have found so many alternative energy sources as the replacement energy. Even the alternative energy sources are less pollution for the environment than the others.
Recently energy crisis is always being a highlight issue. Now should we change our energy sources to the better one? Alternative energy sources are becoming increasingly attractive as the energy crisis becomes more severe. They are solar heating system, ocean waves and tides energy, coal, and garbage.
First, solar heating systems, which use the sun’s radiation as a source of energy, are a promising alternative energy source. Solar energy is one the most resourceful sources of energy for the future. One of the reasons for this is that the total energy we receive each year from the sun is around 35,000 times the total energy used by man. However, about 1/3 of this energy is either absorbed by the outer atmosphere or reflected back into space.
Second, government and private industry, are even investigating the possibility of capturing the power of ocean waves and tides for conversion into usable energy. Even the power of the tides can be harnessed to produce electricity. Similar to the more conventional hydroelectric dams, the tidal process utilizes the natural motion of the tides to fill reservoirs, which are then slowly discharged through electricity-producing turbines.
Third, coal, is a burnable black or brownish-black sedimentary rock composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons. Coal is a nonrenewable energy source because it takes millions of years to create. The energy in coal comes from the energy stored by plants that lived hundreds of millions years ago, when the earth was partly covered with swampy forests. For millions of years, a layer of dead plants at the bottom of the swamps was covered by layers of water and dirt, trapping the energy of the dead plants. The heat and pressure from the top layers helped the plant remains turn into what we today call coal. Once again coal becomes an acceptable fuel as the nation searches for solutions to the energy shortage.
Even the garbage is seen as a potential source of energy. Garbage or city solid waste can be a source of energy by burning it in special power plants or by capturing the gases it releases. When trash is burned at special waste power plants, it produces steam that can be used either to heat buildings or to generate electricity. We can also obtain energy from garbage by letting it rot in landfills. It releases methane gas – also called biogas – that can be collected and used as a fuel source.
So we do not need to be worried anymore about the crisis of energy because we have found so many alternative energy sources as the replacement energy. Even the alternative energy sources are less pollution for the environment than the others.
SARI_cause effect
Ways to Prevent Cervix Cancer
Avoid Getting HPV: HPV stands for Human Pappilovirus. This virus is transmitted through sex and results in genital warts. These warts can turn into precancerous growth or cancer. It has been seen that nearly all women get cervix cancer because of HPV infection. You can avoid getting HPV by using protection, not having multiple sex partners and not having sex at an early age.
Avoid Smoking: Smoking causes many types of cancers and cervix cancer is one of them. You will reduce the risk of getting cervix cancer if you quit smoking. Women who smoke are twice as likely to get cervix cancer compared to women who do not smoke.
Eat Healthily: If your diet does not contain ample helpings of fruits and vegetables, you are at risk of developing cancer of the cervix. Therefore, change your eating habits and eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible.
Healthy Body: A healthy body means having a healthy immune system. The risk of developing lesions in the cervix increases with a weakened immune system. These lesions can turn cancerous with time.
If cervical cancer runs in your family, you will be better off trying the prevent it. The chances of getting cervix cancer will be there but these chances will decrease if you follow the above mentioned ways to prevent cervix cancer.
Avoid Getting HPV: HPV stands for Human Pappilovirus. This virus is transmitted through sex and results in genital warts. These warts can turn into precancerous growth or cancer. It has been seen that nearly all women get cervix cancer because of HPV infection. You can avoid getting HPV by using protection, not having multiple sex partners and not having sex at an early age.
Avoid Smoking: Smoking causes many types of cancers and cervix cancer is one of them. You will reduce the risk of getting cervix cancer if you quit smoking. Women who smoke are twice as likely to get cervix cancer compared to women who do not smoke.
Eat Healthily: If your diet does not contain ample helpings of fruits and vegetables, you are at risk of developing cancer of the cervix. Therefore, change your eating habits and eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible.
Healthy Body: A healthy body means having a healthy immune system. The risk of developing lesions in the cervix increases with a weakened immune system. These lesions can turn cancerous with time.
If cervical cancer runs in your family, you will be better off trying the prevent it. The chances of getting cervix cancer will be there but these chances will decrease if you follow the above mentioned ways to prevent cervix cancer.
Sri mahasiwi Immawati^^
Chapter II
Theoretical Foundation
A. Definition of Pragmatics Unsure
Pragmatics is closely related to speech act ,it reviews specific utterances in particular situations and focus on a variety of different ways that contain the social context. Pragmatics rather than just examine the effects of suprasegmental phonemes, dialect and register, but look at performance first speech as a social activity organized by a variety of social conventions. Stephen C. Levinson in his book that entitled “ Pragmatics” said that Pragmatics is a study about the relation between language and contexts which is the basic of note and report language understanding, in other words it’s study of the ability of language users connecting and harmonization sentences and proper contexts.
Different with George (1964:31-8),he assumed that pragmatics is the study about the overall human behavior, particularly in relation to the signs and symbols. It focuses on how human beings behave in the overall situation of giving and receiving of the sign.
From what is assumed of the experts, the writer tends to have the same opinion
with George’s theory, because his theory is more logic. Besides that George revealed the statement that’s easy to understand, so that it could simplify comprehension of pragmatic itself to look for the imply meaning of the speech contexts.
Theoretical Foundation
A. Definition of Pragmatics Unsure
Pragmatics is closely related to speech act ,it reviews specific utterances in particular situations and focus on a variety of different ways that contain the social context. Pragmatics rather than just examine the effects of suprasegmental phonemes, dialect and register, but look at performance first speech as a social activity organized by a variety of social conventions. Stephen C. Levinson in his book that entitled “ Pragmatics” said that Pragmatics is a study about the relation between language and contexts which is the basic of note and report language understanding, in other words it’s study of the ability of language users connecting and harmonization sentences and proper contexts.
Different with George (1964:31-8),he assumed that pragmatics is the study about the overall human behavior, particularly in relation to the signs and symbols. It focuses on how human beings behave in the overall situation of giving and receiving of the sign.
From what is assumed of the experts, the writer tends to have the same opinion
with George’s theory, because his theory is more logic. Besides that George revealed the statement that’s easy to understand, so that it could simplify comprehension of pragmatic itself to look for the imply meaning of the speech contexts.
Sri mahasiwi Immawati^^
The rampant crime and bombs are now starting to cause anxiety among the citizens, especially for government .These events, of course, bring forth new ideas on how to anticipate it intensively. Recently, The Legislative Assembly proposed the idea of the intelligence bill to get over the issues that always being a solicitudes.
This bill gets the spotlight because it set a crucial issue, authority to arrest and wiretapping by the National Intelligence Agency (BIN). Some also questioned the authority of this party. Furthermore it causing the controversial talking about the rule of the intelligent’s itself.
The government insists that deliberation on this bill for intelligence agencies have the authority to arrest. Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro give a reason why this should be regulated in the bill. "Now this is very difficult once we suppose something happened. The bomb exploded instance, we could not catch it before it happened, because there are no rules," said Purnomo Yusgiantoro at the Presidential Office.
During this time, according to Purnomo, the arrest of the perpetrators can only be done when the event has occurred.This is the background which is the reason the entry points of arrest powers in the Intelligence bill.
On the other hand a number of parties expressed concern if the bill passed as the government's intelligence which regulate wiretapping authority and arrest by the NIA. Previously, non-governmental organizations Imparsial said the bill was to be scrutinized.The reason is, it's possible this could be used for business or economic interests of certain groups, even to spy on the activities of political opponents.
According to those opinions, I myself prefer non-governmental organizations Imparsial’s opinion to the Yusgiantoro’s opinion. Essentially the intelligent shouldn’t be worked under the BIN’s authority, due to it could be used for behalf of certain groups.
The rampant crime and bombs are now starting to cause anxiety among the citizens, especially for government .These events, of course, bring forth new ideas on how to anticipate it intensively. Recently, The Legislative Assembly proposed the idea of the intelligence bill to get over the issues that always being a solicitudes.
This bill gets the spotlight because it set a crucial issue, authority to arrest and wiretapping by the National Intelligence Agency (BIN). Some also questioned the authority of this party. Furthermore it causing the controversial talking about the rule of the intelligent’s itself.
The government insists that deliberation on this bill for intelligence agencies have the authority to arrest. Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro give a reason why this should be regulated in the bill. "Now this is very difficult once we suppose something happened. The bomb exploded instance, we could not catch it before it happened, because there are no rules," said Purnomo Yusgiantoro at the Presidential Office.
During this time, according to Purnomo, the arrest of the perpetrators can only be done when the event has occurred.This is the background which is the reason the entry points of arrest powers in the Intelligence bill.
On the other hand a number of parties expressed concern if the bill passed as the government's intelligence which regulate wiretapping authority and arrest by the NIA. Previously, non-governmental organizations Imparsial said the bill was to be scrutinized.The reason is, it's possible this could be used for business or economic interests of certain groups, even to spy on the activities of political opponents.
According to those opinions, I myself prefer non-governmental organizations Imparsial’s opinion to the Yusgiantoro’s opinion. Essentially the intelligent shouldn’t be worked under the BIN’s authority, due to it could be used for behalf of certain groups.
theoretical foundation_TYAS SAMESTI
Definition of Literature
If you hear the word "literature", people tend to think that literature is a collection of writings or words that make up a beautiful rhythm. But actually since ancient literature can not be defined with certainty. It is difficult to give the sense that then limited the scope of literature. Literature is not just the writing that is imaginary; the things that are factual can be categorized as literary. Therefore, the literature is not likely to be defined exactly, because literature is not an exact science which should have an absolute sense, like 1 +1 in mathematics must have been 2. Each person freely defines literature according to their respective capacities.
Personally I see a work of literature as a text that has certain criteria that distinguishes it from other text types. Literature is the text that uses style allusion, aesthetic value and form of writing imaginative author. But in fact further into doubt the nature of imaginative literature. Because literature is not simply that imaginative writing.
The formalists also have its own understanding of the definition of literature. At first they saw a work of literature as an arbitrary set of tools. This means that the literature only as a tool that can be freely used and not tied to the concept. There is no rule that surrounds a work of literature. Then the "tools" are seen as elements that are connected and related to one another in the overall textual context.
But one thing is for sure from a literary work is a form of writing or text. Text is the most fundamental essence of a literary work, because his own literary form of the text or writings. But the difference between the texts in a literary work with text on another text that is in the perspective of aesthetics. A literary work is a text that has a high aesthetic value. Not just any writing can be called a work of literature. However, the aesthetic value is different for each person. It is fine if someone saw a bulletin board as a literary work, as long as he sees the aesthetic elements contained in the notice board. Besides, she might actually interpret these bulletin boards like a work of literature. It might just happen.
It could not be separated from the point of view that is used when the meaning of a work. Because literature is not an absolute science, or even certain, then the point of view that is used too subjective. Aesthetic values embodied in a work it all back to the reader, whether the reader finds the aesthetic value of a text, or was he only saw the text as plain text in general. Readers or any criticism must have an assessment and opinion of each of which may be different from each other, depending on the educational background of knowledge.
But one thing to note, subjectivity is not to assess the text just spiked and see the author let alone his position. Subjectivity we addressed in literature and only in such literary works, not even see who authored the text. Do not let there be an official writing a literary work since seeing his position, not reviewed in advance aesthetics values contained in the work. Do not let the case of Shakespeare's works are rendered useless repetition. Shakespeare is considered as a writer known for his empire who raised his name, not his own. His works were considered only as a literary text that is not valuable. Such disputes should not be repeated in the modern literary scene.
Although we use the subjectivity in judging a work, it would be much better if we use an objective approach when assessing a work.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Sastra. (Bandung: Angkasa,1984).
Ratna, Nyoman Kutha.Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2008).
Eagleton, Terry. Teori Sastra. (Jakarta: Jala Sutra, 2007).
Teeuw, A. Sastera dan Ilmu Sastera. (Bandung: PT Kiblat Buku Utama, 2003)
If you hear the word "literature", people tend to think that literature is a collection of writings or words that make up a beautiful rhythm. But actually since ancient literature can not be defined with certainty. It is difficult to give the sense that then limited the scope of literature. Literature is not just the writing that is imaginary; the things that are factual can be categorized as literary. Therefore, the literature is not likely to be defined exactly, because literature is not an exact science which should have an absolute sense, like 1 +1 in mathematics must have been 2. Each person freely defines literature according to their respective capacities.
Personally I see a work of literature as a text that has certain criteria that distinguishes it from other text types. Literature is the text that uses style allusion, aesthetic value and form of writing imaginative author. But in fact further into doubt the nature of imaginative literature. Because literature is not simply that imaginative writing.
The formalists also have its own understanding of the definition of literature. At first they saw a work of literature as an arbitrary set of tools. This means that the literature only as a tool that can be freely used and not tied to the concept. There is no rule that surrounds a work of literature. Then the "tools" are seen as elements that are connected and related to one another in the overall textual context.
But one thing is for sure from a literary work is a form of writing or text. Text is the most fundamental essence of a literary work, because his own literary form of the text or writings. But the difference between the texts in a literary work with text on another text that is in the perspective of aesthetics. A literary work is a text that has a high aesthetic value. Not just any writing can be called a work of literature. However, the aesthetic value is different for each person. It is fine if someone saw a bulletin board as a literary work, as long as he sees the aesthetic elements contained in the notice board. Besides, she might actually interpret these bulletin boards like a work of literature. It might just happen.
It could not be separated from the point of view that is used when the meaning of a work. Because literature is not an absolute science, or even certain, then the point of view that is used too subjective. Aesthetic values embodied in a work it all back to the reader, whether the reader finds the aesthetic value of a text, or was he only saw the text as plain text in general. Readers or any criticism must have an assessment and opinion of each of which may be different from each other, depending on the educational background of knowledge.
But one thing to note, subjectivity is not to assess the text just spiked and see the author let alone his position. Subjectivity we addressed in literature and only in such literary works, not even see who authored the text. Do not let there be an official writing a literary work since seeing his position, not reviewed in advance aesthetics values contained in the work. Do not let the case of Shakespeare's works are rendered useless repetition. Shakespeare is considered as a writer known for his empire who raised his name, not his own. His works were considered only as a literary text that is not valuable. Such disputes should not be repeated in the modern literary scene.
Although we use the subjectivity in judging a work, it would be much better if we use an objective approach when assessing a work.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Sastra. (Bandung: Angkasa,1984).
Ratna, Nyoman Kutha.Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2008).
Eagleton, Terry. Teori Sastra. (Jakarta: Jala Sutra, 2007).
Teeuw, A. Sastera dan Ilmu Sastera. (Bandung: PT Kiblat Buku Utama, 2003)
Santi Ramdhani_Theoretical Foundation
Written by: Santi Ramdhani
This chapter show how the style language and diction of state address are analyzed. Every word and sentence in an address has a particular meaning. It is proven by every people with different background has different utterance when he or she utters something. Especially in state address, every word and sentence becomes something that must be considered, this is because the formal speech and attended by people who have the status of higher education. So did the style language which is used by each orator is different and has individual characteristics, so does for President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Discourse analysis is chosen as the way to analyze and to express the possibility of meaning of those.
Discourse analysis is analysis of text structure above the sentence (Sinclair and Couthard, 1995: 7). With this definition, we may say that diction and style language could be analyzed by discourse because of structurally analysis. We could get the meaning of every word and know from the style language structurally analyzed. Although actually to understand what the speaker says, we also have to aware about the condition at that time. As Stubbs says that discourse analysis concerns with language in social context and particularly with interaction or dialogue between speakers. Social context here means that when we analyze a state address, we also must consider anything contextually. It is because usually something could be expressed by textually and contextually.
Some experts give those opinions about the using of discourse analysis toward the text. Therefore they look at some of the issues it raises for philosophy, linguistics, and human sciences in general (Payne & Barbera, 1996: 190). The linguist Benveniste was among the most influential thinkers in this field. According to him, ‘discourse’ has to do with those aspects of language that can only be interpreted with the reference to the speaker, to his or her spatiotemporal location, or to other such variables which served to specify the localized context of utterance (Payne & Barbera, 1996: 190).
Discourse analysis, on the other hand, as inaugurated in the 1970s, concerns itself with the use of language in a running discourse, continued over a sequence of sentences, and involving the interaction of speaker (or writer) and auditor (or reader) in a specific situational context, and within a framework of social and cultural conventions (Abrams, 1999: 66). A sentence above, Abrams expressed the existence of interaction of speaker and listener is also the important thing to analyze. Besides it, the aspect of situational context, social and cultural is also has to give the more concern. In fact, someone will talk something based on the situational at that time. So, it becomes something which is should not be forgotten. With combining the analysis of textual and contextual, it is sure that we would know the main meaning of every diction, why it is chosen and also we understand why the speaker speak with particular style language.
This is also one of profe that if we use discoourse analysis, we would never be separated with social field. And this is considered very correct because esentially the speech aims is to reach the social condition of public. Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory aims at an understanding of the social as a discursive construction whereby, in principle, all social phenomena can be analyzed using discourse analytical tools. First, we present the discourse theoretical approach to language, and then extend the theory to cover the entire social field. Because of its broad focus, discourse theory is suitable as a theoretical foundation for different social constructionist approaches to discourse analysis (Jorgensen & Phillips, 2002: 35).
To conduct discourse analysis means that the investigation of language is required to go beyond the boundaries of the syntactic or semantic form of the utterance. Therefore, the theory of Abrams could be a foundation that discourse analysis involving the context of social and cutural to get the understanding of the state address or another address.
Abrams, M.H. 1999. A Glossary of Literary Terms. USA: Earl McPeek
Payne, Michael and Jessica R.B. 2010. A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory. UK: Wiley-Blackwell
Jorgensen, Marriane and Phillips J.L. 2002. Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method. London: SAGE Publication
Barker, Chris & Darius G. 2001. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis. London: SAGE Publication
Written by: Santi Ramdhani
This chapter show how the style language and diction of state address are analyzed. Every word and sentence in an address has a particular meaning. It is proven by every people with different background has different utterance when he or she utters something. Especially in state address, every word and sentence becomes something that must be considered, this is because the formal speech and attended by people who have the status of higher education. So did the style language which is used by each orator is different and has individual characteristics, so does for President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Discourse analysis is chosen as the way to analyze and to express the possibility of meaning of those.
Discourse analysis is analysis of text structure above the sentence (Sinclair and Couthard, 1995: 7). With this definition, we may say that diction and style language could be analyzed by discourse because of structurally analysis. We could get the meaning of every word and know from the style language structurally analyzed. Although actually to understand what the speaker says, we also have to aware about the condition at that time. As Stubbs says that discourse analysis concerns with language in social context and particularly with interaction or dialogue between speakers. Social context here means that when we analyze a state address, we also must consider anything contextually. It is because usually something could be expressed by textually and contextually.
Some experts give those opinions about the using of discourse analysis toward the text. Therefore they look at some of the issues it raises for philosophy, linguistics, and human sciences in general (Payne & Barbera, 1996: 190). The linguist Benveniste was among the most influential thinkers in this field. According to him, ‘discourse’ has to do with those aspects of language that can only be interpreted with the reference to the speaker, to his or her spatiotemporal location, or to other such variables which served to specify the localized context of utterance (Payne & Barbera, 1996: 190).
Discourse analysis, on the other hand, as inaugurated in the 1970s, concerns itself with the use of language in a running discourse, continued over a sequence of sentences, and involving the interaction of speaker (or writer) and auditor (or reader) in a specific situational context, and within a framework of social and cultural conventions (Abrams, 1999: 66). A sentence above, Abrams expressed the existence of interaction of speaker and listener is also the important thing to analyze. Besides it, the aspect of situational context, social and cultural is also has to give the more concern. In fact, someone will talk something based on the situational at that time. So, it becomes something which is should not be forgotten. With combining the analysis of textual and contextual, it is sure that we would know the main meaning of every diction, why it is chosen and also we understand why the speaker speak with particular style language.
This is also one of profe that if we use discoourse analysis, we would never be separated with social field. And this is considered very correct because esentially the speech aims is to reach the social condition of public. Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory aims at an understanding of the social as a discursive construction whereby, in principle, all social phenomena can be analyzed using discourse analytical tools. First, we present the discourse theoretical approach to language, and then extend the theory to cover the entire social field. Because of its broad focus, discourse theory is suitable as a theoretical foundation for different social constructionist approaches to discourse analysis (Jorgensen & Phillips, 2002: 35).
To conduct discourse analysis means that the investigation of language is required to go beyond the boundaries of the syntactic or semantic form of the utterance. Therefore, the theory of Abrams could be a foundation that discourse analysis involving the context of social and cutural to get the understanding of the state address or another address.
Abrams, M.H. 1999. A Glossary of Literary Terms. USA: Earl McPeek
Payne, Michael and Jessica R.B. 2010. A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory. UK: Wiley-Blackwell
Jorgensen, Marriane and Phillips J.L. 2002. Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method. London: SAGE Publication
Barker, Chris & Darius G. 2001. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis. London: SAGE Publication
yashinta. pradina. saputra - theoretical foundation
Chapter II
Theoretical Foundation
A. Definition of Allusion
An allusion is a literary device that stimulates ideas, associations, and extra information in the reader's mind with only a word or two. Elizabethan Thomas Nashe's in “Litany in Time of Plague” said that allusion is a passing reference, without explicit identification, to a literary or historical person, place, or event, or to another literary work or passage.
On the other hand, M.H. Abrams defined allusion as "a brief reference, explicit or indirect, to a person, place or event, or to another literary work or passage". It is left to the reader or hearer to make the connection (Fowler) an overt allusion is a misnomer for what is simply a reference. Allusion has 3 components. There are Historical allusion, Mythical Allusion, Biblical Allusion. Historical allusion based on histories that cover the prose. Mythical allusion based on myth that covers the prose. Biblical allusion based on bible that covers that story. Since allusions are not explicitly identified, they imply a fund of knowledge that is shared by an author and the audience for whom the author writes. Most literary allusions are intended to be recognized by the generally educated readers of the author's time, but some are aimed at a special coterie.
From those definitions of allusion, the writer tends to have same opinion with M. H. Abrams’s theory. Allusion needs to explicit identification to know allusion in the story. We have to know what did happen in the place which the story made. And it needs to explicit information like Abrams’s said.
Theoretical Foundation
A. Definition of Allusion
An allusion is a literary device that stimulates ideas, associations, and extra information in the reader's mind with only a word or two. Elizabethan Thomas Nashe's in “Litany in Time of Plague” said that allusion is a passing reference, without explicit identification, to a literary or historical person, place, or event, or to another literary work or passage.
On the other hand, M.H. Abrams defined allusion as "a brief reference, explicit or indirect, to a person, place or event, or to another literary work or passage". It is left to the reader or hearer to make the connection (Fowler) an overt allusion is a misnomer for what is simply a reference. Allusion has 3 components. There are Historical allusion, Mythical Allusion, Biblical Allusion. Historical allusion based on histories that cover the prose. Mythical allusion based on myth that covers the prose. Biblical allusion based on bible that covers that story. Since allusions are not explicitly identified, they imply a fund of knowledge that is shared by an author and the audience for whom the author writes. Most literary allusions are intended to be recognized by the generally educated readers of the author's time, but some are aimed at a special coterie.
From those definitions of allusion, the writer tends to have same opinion with M. H. Abrams’s theory. Allusion needs to explicit identification to know allusion in the story. We have to know what did happen in the place which the story made. And it needs to explicit information like Abrams’s said.
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
Siti Nurohmah_Theoretical Foundation
Chapter II
Theoretical Foundation
A. Definiton of Setting
Setting is one of elements to build a fiction. What is definition of setting? According to Abrams (1999: 284) “setting of narrative is the general locale, historical time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs.” It refers to three important points when the fiction occurs. Those are "General locale" implies that place might be flexible—it could encompass more than just one specific location. "Historical time" means that the story's position on a time line of history affects the events and characters in the story. And "social circumstances" indicates that perhaps there is more to the concept of setting than simply time and place. It means that how we fit into the context of the society in which we are members connects to this concept of where and when.
On the other hand, Aminuddin (1991: 76) stated “setting is background of event in fiction that is not only about place and time, but also the event has physical and physiological function”. Setting is not only has physical function to make the logical fiction, but also has physiological function that create atmosphere of fiction to make the reader can feel it.
From those opinions of the expert, the writer tends to agrees with Aminuddin’s opinion. That is about setting it is not only about the element of setting itself but also about the function of it that makes the logical fiction which can convey the atmosphere of fiction to the reader. Thus, it can help the reader in understanding the fiction logically and also can more feel the atmosphere of it.
Theoretical Foundation
A. Definiton of Setting
Setting is one of elements to build a fiction. What is definition of setting? According to Abrams (1999: 284) “setting of narrative is the general locale, historical time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs.” It refers to three important points when the fiction occurs. Those are "General locale" implies that place might be flexible—it could encompass more than just one specific location. "Historical time" means that the story's position on a time line of history affects the events and characters in the story. And "social circumstances" indicates that perhaps there is more to the concept of setting than simply time and place. It means that how we fit into the context of the society in which we are members connects to this concept of where and when.
On the other hand, Aminuddin (1991: 76) stated “setting is background of event in fiction that is not only about place and time, but also the event has physical and physiological function”. Setting is not only has physical function to make the logical fiction, but also has physiological function that create atmosphere of fiction to make the reader can feel it.
From those opinions of the expert, the writer tends to agrees with Aminuddin’s opinion. That is about setting it is not only about the element of setting itself but also about the function of it that makes the logical fiction which can convey the atmosphere of fiction to the reader. Thus, it can help the reader in understanding the fiction logically and also can more feel the atmosphere of it.
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