Rabu, 27 April 2011

discussion_Yusanthiya Windhianita

Midday Sleep

We always need to sleep in day. When we sleep at night, we can recover our health or everything which makes us feeling tired. Generally, we know that sleep which is good is at night, but in new research, it talks that midday sleep is also good. Perhaps, midday sleep is good, but it also rises different opinion.

Sometimes, we will feel tired after we have worked in the morning till midday, and usually, tiredness happens about 12.30 p.m. It is because we do not have energy enough. What we can do to recover our energy is, we can take a rest, or sleep. Many experts talk that midday sleep is good for our health, especially to recover our energy, because when we are tired, feel uncomfortable, or not fit again, midday sleep is the way which is good to rest. Midday sleep will be good if it is doing as long as 30 minutes. It will help to reduce stress and improve cognitive functioning, and effect for our health is good because it is same helping for our brain to refresh. We also can feel good and fresh after we have slept.

On the other hand, some experts do not agree with the statement that midday sleep is good for our health. Why it becomes bad for our health, because when our body and our mind need to take a rest, and we choose to sleep, that is midday sleep, it causes function of our brain cannot be controlled and what the brain manages when we do many activities, it will not be balance again, and besides that, our body will be fat, because when we sleep in midday, it will keep many calories in our body. So, because midday sleep has bad effect, we can take a rest by another activities without sleep, we can get coffee time with our partners, or etc.

As there are pros and cons to talk about midday sleep, that is good and bad, maybe it depends on to what we need and our habit. When we need to sleep or we have habit to sleep in midday to recover our energy, it will not be wrong for our health, because sleep will help us to get new energy after we do not have energy enough due to tiredness. So, what is talked about bad effect of midday sleep, it can be become information as alert for us if midday sleep is not good for health, just for information.

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