Reading is the skill given by God to those are babies born onto the earth for the first time. Also dogmas each in religions explained upon the followers to read all the existences in the earth for sake of kindness. Even Muhammad (prophet of moslem) obliged the moslems to seek knowledges since their birth to the die. It auomatically understood to us that reading has mystery concealed behind the text that it is the key to live. It may not be more commented that reading is indeed the key the people must open also the way they have to do. The civilizations found historcally on earth if it do not be said as hyperbole are of best reading culture. Consciously, also people aware living in such modern era could not be separated from reading. In short, reading brings glory to people.
Nowadays, People are forced their head to think deeply for jobs. For that, they need supplies of information as sources for some ideas obtained by reading; reading as much as possible. Many people let them enjoy reading and make it as a hobby. Lots of enjoyment they feel when reading word per word sentence by sentenc in paragraph is the reason. In reading emotional comment toward the text such sumarizing, understanding, giving ciriticism to the content of text are the own joyful come of it. So it does not some weird seeing such how busy people sincerely spare their time for reading.
Literature gives full of enjoyment. Besides, it is full of information arranged with sense of imagination riding the joyful of diction, plot, conflict involveness and emotional bringing. Literature, whether it is drama, poem or prose, let the reader diving to the deepest meaning of the context which cause the unexplained happiness.
I like reading literatures by the reasons mentioned above. Reading literature knows me the new concept of life that fore people such Allan poe and friends iideally practice to live. I used to imagine how hard their struggle to finding the truth; purpose of live. They alienated their self focused on thinking what and which is true or false. Also the literature gives it main function toward the reader; comfortable.
Another function of literature is benefit; benefit for the live which is beautiful. People were finding how was for the joyful mixed with the use if it. Means the benefit practically implemented for the life universally. They enjoy the poem, drama and poetry by realizing the essence which are about the big dream of high civilized people. A work of literature will successfully worthless when it does not have the universal values; kindness, justice, honest and humanity for sake of life. This is one of the answer why literature is important that as equal it is giving the horizon view to the people as if it is said “truth could be by literature”.
But, of course we can not force people to like literature. There some are hate it even for babbling that literature such drama, poem and prose are only the stories for children.They may think so cause of the rights just like saying literature does not make much money. Pragmatically people’s frame of mind are the way of survive; to make money. For that reason some peope think literature is worthless.
Finally it is just about the choice the people would like to take according to their perseption upon literaturre. But whether they like it or not literature still has its function to give the leisure and benefit. It exists to the present era because of the high value it has telling the big dream for the people. Literature colored the history of the cvilization and proved influencing people’s mindset about the real life. So is literature still doesn’t important?
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